Book Cover: Preparing for Glory: Biblical Answers to 40 Questions on Living and Dying in Hope of Heaven
Now Available. Life and legacy coach Elizabeth answers your questions about glory, death, dying, resurrection, aging graciously, leaving a legacy, grief, and more. 
Announcement that Numbering Your Days Network launches September 5
Get your invitation to join the Numbering Your Days Network for Free
A new online community dedicated to helping you live out your days centered in the hope of the gospel led by  Elizabeth Turnage & Kelly Markham.
In this community, you will find:
  • Gospel-centered encouragement and equipping for preparing and sharing your practical, financial, digital, spiritual, and emotional legacy.
  • Biblical insight and wise guidance for the challenges of aging, caregiving, end-of-life, and grief.
  • Like-minded individuals who share your faith and values.
  • Encouragement and wisdom for fostering meaningful relationships and being an ambassador of good news each day of your life.
  • Prompts to help you write and/or record your spiritual legacy.
Headshot of Elizabeth Turnage

You are a legacy of God’s good news! You have a legacy, and your legacy matters. The only question is, how will you share it?

Hi, I’m Elizabeth Turnage, and I offer gospel-centered coaching, writing, and speaking to help you live, prepare, and share your living story legacy…

Do you want to leave a legacy that blesses your loved ones?

Do you struggle to be intentional about preparing your legacy materials?

If so, I can help you.

As your friendly, encouraging life and legacy coach, I offer gospel-centered wisdom for living, preparing, and sharing your life and legacy. Did you know that you have a …

Spiritual and Story Legacy: stories, wisdom, and values you want to live today and pass along for the future? I can help you write and record them.

Practical Legacy: essential information like advance directive, will, durable power of attorney, passwords, and more? We have a self-paced online course that can help you gather these materials so you can be at peace and your family will have what they need when they need it.

Every month, I’ll send you helpful tips and gospel-centered encouragement to keep you on track as you live, prepare, and share your life and legacy

No spam. Ever.

Sign up today and get 10 Steps to Organizing Your Life and Legacy and your free invitation to join the Numbering Your Days Network.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Author, Life and Legacy Coach, Speaker

I've been helping people live in God's story of grace for over 30 years as an author, coach, and speaker. In recent years, as caregiver to my father when he had terminal cancer and executor of my mother's estate after she died unexpectedly, I have become passionate about helping people think intentionally about living and sharing the legacy we want to leave. As wife for over 40 years, mother to four aged 27-33, mother-in-law to 3, and grandmother to 4, I want to bless those I will someday leave behind, both now and in the future. I love coaching people as they prepare their spiritual legacy. Contact me to learn more, or sign up to receive monthly resources and to be the first to learn about new offerings.

Are you ready to start preparing your legacy?

Sign up for the self-paced online course Organizing Your Life and Legacy Workshop

Create a binder or file containing all of the important documents, information, passwords, and core values you need today and your loved ones will need later.

Click Here


Check out Elizabeth’s monthly column, Numbering Your Days, on all things life and legacy here: aging, caregiving, and end-of-life.


Does your group need some wisdom and encouragement for aging, caregiving, and legacy-creating? Contact Elizabeth about possible programs.

Life and Legacy Coaching

Life and legacy coaching helps you live your story and values and wisdom and record it in a way it will be around for future generations.

Read Gospel-centered Wisdom on the Blog

Learn how to live, prepare, and share your legacy.
Click Here
A Prayer about Coming Alongside Caregivers

A Prayer about Coming Alongside Caregivers

….four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on the mat, right down in front of Jesus. Mark 2:4 Gentle Jesus, Bring to mind...

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A Prayer about Living the Legacy We Want to Leave

A Prayer about Living the Legacy We Want to Leave

and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2 Heavenly Father,  In this world,  the focus of leaving a legacy  is often on making a name for ourselves.  We ask you,  by the...

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Start living, preparing, and sharing your legacy today.

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