A Prayer about Enjoying Our Gifts


We live in such a mixed-up world, 

where too often we envy gifts other people have 

(oh, she’s such a good hostess, 

he’s so good at fixing things, 

she’s so smart, 

he’s such a good dad)…

And yet, you say 

that you gave each one of us different gifts 

through your Holy Spirit — 

things like 

“wise counsel, clear understanding, simple trust, 

healing the sick, miraculous acts, proclamation, 

distinguishing between spirits, tongues, 

interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). 

And you say that these gifts 

are for the building up of your kingdom. 

Help us, Lord, to thank you 

for the gifts you have given us 

and to deploy those gifts for the good of others 

and for your glory. 

In Jesus’ unifying name. Amen. 

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. 

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