A Prayer about Thanking God for Creation
Lord God,
It is indeed good to give thanks to you—
when days are easy and when they’re not.
Today, I thank you for some of my favorite things
about your extraordinary creation:
The teal-turquoise-marine of the Gulf of Mexico
and the sugary velvet feel of the white sand.
The juicy explosion of a homegrown tomato
And ripe blueberries fresh-picked from a friend’s yard.
A purple-pink-and-blue sunset,
heat lightning against a dusky sky,
and lightning bugs twinkling in the dark.
[Name some of your favorite things about God’s good creation.]
As we meditate on your glory inscribed in your creation,
we thank you for the many good gifts
you give your beloved children
every day simply because you delight in us.
In Jesus’ creative name. Amen.
Read Psalm 96:1-13.