A Prayer about Diversity and Unity in the Kingdom
King Jesus,
How thirsty our imaginations are
for the vision of our new beginning
in your new heavens and new earth.
As we imagine the diversity and unity
of your heavenly kingdom,
we pray even more fervently,
Come, Lord Jesus,
and unify all of the people of your church,
even today.
Just as one day all the kings and queens and princes and princesses
will come marching into your heavenly kingdom
with all of their brightly colored array
and different colored skin tones,
even today, join us together.
In anticipation of the day we will worship you
as the King of Kings,
send us into unfamiliar cultural territory now —
whether that’s swaying along to praise songs
or shouting “Amen” to pastor’s preaching
or serving squid at our potluck suppers.
In anticipation of the day we will worship you
as the King of Kings,
open wide the doors of our hearts
to welcome people who might feel like outsiders,
that they might feel as comfortable as old family friends.
In your glorious name we ask. Amen.
Read Revelation 21:22-22:5.