6 Opportunities of Aging
Dear Friends,
How do you feel about aging? What’s your least favorite or most favorite thing about aging? Please share in the comments, or hit reply to this email. Your answers help me know how to serve you better.
This month, I want to share six opportunities of aging. Read on, and let me know the ones you’re discovering or others I left out.
Disappearing Eyebrows
“Who are you?! Where is Elizabeth, and what you do with her eyebrows?” So goes a morning conversation I frequently have with my mirror. My fading eyebrows are just one of many daily signs that my body is succumbing to the erosion of aging.
Indeed, aging changes us, and not always for the better. Hair turns gray, hair disappears, hair grows out of our ears. We face new limitations: we can no longer drive at night, live at home alone, or stay up late. We experience startling weakness: we forget our neighbor’s name, we need help carrying a bag of groceries into the house. We endure new levels of loneliness: our loved ones die, our children live far away, we can’t get to church. And perhaps worst of all, our own death hurtles toward us at a frightening pace. When you consider the many losses of aging, it’s little wonder we fend it off fiercely or simply pretend it won’t happen to us.