A Prayer about How We Can Love God and Our Neighbors
Triune God,
In a day when hatred seems more common than love,
when mocking seems more common than meekness,
when taking offense seems more common than taking up our cross,
we confess, the greatest commandment seems impossible.
And yet, you have not only called us to love you
with all of our beings, our hearts, our souls, our minds, our strength,
you have empowered us through your Spirit to do so.
You have not only called us to love you in this way,
but you have called us to love our neighbors
(including strangers and enemies)
as much as we love ourselves (which we have to admit, is a lot!)
Thank you for Jesus, who loved us,
Your enemies,
so much that he died
so that we might become your friends.
May we live and love
out of our gratitude
for his sacrifice
and out of the power
of his resurrection.
In Jesus’ loving name. Amen.
Read Mark 12:28-34.