
A Prayer about a Craving for God’s Word

More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Psalm 19:10.

Author God,

We confess, 

we spend so much time reading, watching, and listening 

to stuff that fills us like cotton candy, 

leaving us empty and irritable thirty minutes later. 

Help us to put the screens aside 

that we might develop a craving for your Word. 

Unlike much of what we read in our feeds today, 

your Word is perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true, and righteous,:

It revives the soul;

It makes wise the simple (Ps. 19:7);

It leads the heart to rejoice;

It enlightens the eyes (Ps. 19:8);

It keeps us from sin;

It rewards those who keep it (Ps. 19:11);

It endures forever (Ps. 19:9). 

Seed in us a craving for your Word, 

so that when we consume some, 

we crave more. 

For indeed, your Word shows us the hope of salvation in Jesus, 

the only hope we have to be 

“declared innocent from hidden faults; 

kept back from presumptuous sins” (Ps. 19:3).

As we consume your Word, Lord, 

may it change the words we speak, 

the thoughts we think, 

so that our thoughts and words will be “acceptable in your sight” (Ps. 19:14).

In the name of the Living Word, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Read Psalm 19.  

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