
A Prayer about Thanking God for His Perfect Timing

Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Genesis 21:2

Good Father, 

Just a year before Sarah became pregnant, 

you heard Sarah laughing at your promise 

that she would bear a child (Genesis 18:13). 

And you said, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14). 

Then Sarah had the gall to tell you she had not laughed. 

You were firm, “No, but you did laugh.” 

Despite Sarah’s unbelief, 

you moved forward with your plan, 

and now, a year later, 

Sarah gives birth to a son 

and calls him “Laughter,” 

because “God has made laughter for me; 

everyone who hears will laugh over me” (Genesis 21:6). 

What a story! What an amazing God you are!

Today, we thank you for this reminder 

that not even our own unbelief 

can stop you from fulfilling the plans 

you have for us 

to multiply your glory. 

Today, may we remember 

all of the unexpected, surprising, 

seemingly impossible ways you’ve worked, 

in your perfect timing, 

to bless us for the sake of your glory—

with children, work, friendships, healing, homes…

the list goes on and on.

[Thank God for some of the unexpected ways he has blessed you over the course of your life or the course of this week.]

May we never forget your goodness to us.

In Jesus’ surprising name. Amen.

Read Genesis 18:9-15; Genesis 21:1-5. 

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