
A Prayer about God’s Covenant of Peace

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you… Isaiah 54:8-9

Promise-keeping Father,

In this world so set on strife, 

what a profound promise this is:

Even where there is utter chaos on this earth, 

your steadfast love shall never leave us, 

your “covenant of peace shall not be removed” (Isaiah 54:10).

We don’t use the word covenant 

often in our everyday conversations, 

but we should use it more 

when we think about you. 

Your covenant is 






and undeserved 


to love us and deliver us 

from our worst selves, 

to give us peace with you 

and peace with one another. 

Why would you make such a covenant with us? 

The Bible is clear—

it’s not because we were so numerous 

or powerful 

or special—

it’s because of 

your steadfast love 

and your compassion. 

We thank you 

for keeping your promises to us. 

May we joyfully serve you 

in gratitude for your grace.

In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read Isaiah 54:8-10; Deuteronomy 7:6-11.

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