
A Prayer about Not Being Forsaken

Do not forsake me, O Lord! O my God, be not far from me! Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation! Psalm 38:21-22

Steadfastly-loving Lord,

We come to you again today, 

as we did yesterday, 

with David, mourning our own sin, 

seeing its ravaging effects 

on our hearts, souls, bodies, and minds. 

We waited for you, O Lord, 

and you answered us 

by sending your Son, 

our Savior (Psalm 38:15). 

We would be desperate 

if we did not know the hope we have in Jesus. 

Because he was forsaken on the cross, 

we will never be forsaken in our sin. 

We cry out to you with profound hope 

for forgiveness 

because you have already 

made haste to help us 

in Christ. 

Send us out to live and love 

in this great hope today and every day.

In Jesus’ forsaken name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 38.

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