A Prayer about Not Being Offended by Jesus
And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.’ And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. Matthew 13:57-58
Lord Jesus,
In these days leading up to Easter,
draw us to examine our hearts.
As we read of people in your hometown
wanting to throw you off a cliff (Luke 4:29)
because they were so disappointed in you,
we need to ask ourselves,
Do we ever take offense at you?
Do we have expectations
of what you should do,
of who you should be?
Do we sometimes miss out
on your “mighty works…
because of [our] unbelief?” (Matthew 13:58).
Do we know you so well
that we start to take you for granted,
that we fail to honor you?
May it never be!
Lord, show us our unbelief.
Transform our hearts into megaphones
maximizing our praise and honor of you,
our glorious King.
In your saving name. Amen.
Read Matthew 13:53-58.