A Prayer about God Hiding His Face From Sin
Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. Psalm 51:9
Most Merciful God,
What a bold and beautiful legacy of confession
King David left us in Psalm 51.
David’s is one of the better known
sin-stories of Scripture:
he committed adultery with Bathsheba,
impregnating her,
and then killed her husband
in a cover-up attempt (2 Samuel 11-12).
And yet, you called David a man after your own heart
and taught us how to confess our most miserable sins,
transgressions, and iniquities
through his prayer of confession.
For you, our holy God,
to look on sin is to punish it.
So David asks you to turn your face away.
His prayer predicts the moment
you would turn your face away
from your beloved Son
as he died on the cross
for every sin we would ever commit.
Because you turned away
from your Son
in that moment,
Jesus blotted out all of our iniquities (Psalm 51:9),
and you will never hide your face
from those who belong to him.
What steadfast love and mercy is this!
What a God, what a Savior!
In Jesus’ cleansing name. Amen.
Read Psalm 51.