I’ve already told our weekly Bible study group this, but to provide some structured study while we’re not meeting during December and early January, I’m posting some questions and thoughts on the book of Colossians. I don’t know if it means anything that the day after I posted it on a Facebook “Discussion” page, the page disappeared completely. I do know this — I love studying the Bible with other people, so if you need a little structure during the holidays, then check out the new page and offer your comments, questions, or diagrams:)!
About the diagram — I learned diagramming the hard way — by teaching it to 7th and 9th graders. Having entirely missed the course when I was in middle school, I found it challenging at first, but with the help of some very bright and gracious students and lots of late nights, I learned it and began to love it. I also discovered it to be a helpful tool to see the relationships and repeated words and other structures of verses. What are some of your favorite Bible study methods?