This is probably like the manger Jesus was laid in

I tend to think in high, expansive, lofty thoughts. Nothing really wrong with that – AS LONG AS these thoughts can be worked out in real daily life.

This morning I was reading Galatians 1:6-10 and thinking about how works don’t save us, Christ does. Then I was thinking about some stretching experiences of the last few days, when Christ had graciously privileged me to talk with and pray for very broken, deeply hurting people. In both cases, he took me outside of my comfort zone, into places I never really expected to be but suddenly found myself (as a “prayer encourager” at a Beth Moore conference, sitting next to a homeless man in church). What a joy, what a privilege. So I was going to challenge us all to do something outside of our comfort zone today, to be Jesus to someone, some way.

Then I walked into my kitchen. There I found not one, but two nasty messes that had occurred apparently because my dog’s digestive system had not responded well to her heartworm medication.  Foul to look at; stomach-turning to smell, I had to find a way to get near enough to clean it up.  I was not only disgusted; I was a little irritated because this mess was consuming blog-writing time.

Just a few minutes ago, reading Philippians 2:5-11, it hit me. Jesus was born in mess – literally, around gross smells, lying in hay, which is in fact, more scratchy than soft. The fact is, Jesus’ birth and life on earth was far from lofty and spiritual in the sense we often think of it. If Christ humbled himself to become part of real, raw humanity, why wouldn’t I expect to have to clean up real messes as part of my call to love as Jesus did?

So…my challenge to myself and you today is…


Live his love wherever you are.

Go to the real and raw and nasty messes, not just the ones that seem lofty and high. Engage in the ministry of reconciliation. Look around you right now. Where might that be?

And while you’re at it, could some artist make me a real nativity set where the animals are dirty and the hay looks scratchy?

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