
A Prayer about the Possibility of Entering God’s Kingdom

With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God. Mark 10:27

Christ our King,

In Mark 10:17-31, we read of a rich young man 

who truly seemed to want to know 

how to inherit eternal life (Mark 10:17). 

He did seem a little proud of his moral accomplishments—

he told you he had kept all the commandments you named 

(not noticing you left out a few big ones!) (Mark 10:20). 

But there was one thing he couldn’t do. 

He couldn’t sell all his possessions and follow you. 

Jesus, help us to see you in this true story—

you “felt genuine love” for this man (Mark 10:21). 

You knew it is impossible 

but for the work of the Spirit 

for any of us to give up the things 

that we make gods 

instead of the One, true Living God. 

Whether it’s money or relationships 

or work or family or shopping

or food or drink, 

we tend to look to other things 

for security and significance. 

We were “dead in our trespasses,” (Ephesians 2:1), 

and if it weren’t for your death on the cross, 

none of us would be able to inherit eternal life. 

Thanks be to God for his rich mercy, 

for making “us alive together” with you (Ephesians 2:4-5). 

Because he did, it is possible to follow you. 

Because he did, it is possible for us to inherit eternal life.

In your saving name. Amen.

Read Mark 10:17-31. 

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