
A Prayer about the Temptations Jesus Endured

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15

Sovereign Lord,

How we thank you for Jesus’ temptations, 

first, because as we prayed yesterday, 

it is through them that we are able 

to overcome our temptations. 

They do not merely offer a good example; 

they show us the way out. 

Through Christ, 

the second Adam, 

who, like the first Adam,

endured temptations,

and yet resisted. 

Jesus was tempted 

to provide sustenance through miraculous means (see Matt. 4:3);

while we cannot do this trick, 

we are often tempted to believe 

that you are not good 

when you do not provide 

what we think we need 

when we think we need it. 

Our Savior reminded us of our central hope

when he told Satan, 

“Man does not live by bread alone 

but by every word that comes 

from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). 

We must trust in your goodness 

even when we don’t see your provision.

Jesus was tempted to gain knowledge 

that you loved him 

by demanding you protect him (Matt. 4:5-7). 

He resisted that temptation, 

choosing to trust 

that you protect him 

even in suffering. 

We must trust in your protection 

even when live 

in the midst of uncertainty and confusion.

Jesus was tempted to gain glory 

by worshiping Satan, 

the father of lies (Matt. 4:8-9).

He refused, 

naming his central focus 

as the glory of God: 

“You shall worship the Lord your God 

and him only shall you serve” (Matt. 4:10). 

We must refuse to seek glory 

that belongs to you alone.

Thank you, good Father, 

for giving us a sympathetic high priest 

who has endured temptation. 

May we run to his sheltering mercy and grace 

to find help in our time of need (Heb. 4:16). 


Read Hebrews 4:14-16; Matthew 4:1-11

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