A Prayer about True Repentance
Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Matthew 3:2
Heavenly Father,
Sadly, some have stood on street corners
screaming at us to repent,
so much so that we cringe at the word.
And yet, you call us to repent
as a bright yellow road sign cautions,
“Turn around. Danger ahead.”
Repentance always begins with the good news:
our Savior is coming;
our Savior has come.
It calls us to see the bad news—
we have all sinned and fall short of your glory (Romans 3:23).
It generates deep grief, sorrow over the way
we have overthrown you from the throne you should inhabit
and placed ourselves on the throne of our lives.
Repentance bears fruit:
“love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22).
And most importantly, the call to repent
comes with the enabling power to repent—
the Holy Spirit works this change in us.
In this season before Easter,
make us intentional about receiving your invitation to repent.
And may we see the lasting fruit in our lives.
In Jesus’ worthy name. Amen.
Read Matthew 3:1-12.