A Prayer about an Eternity of the Lord’s Favor
…to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn…Isaiah 61:2
Lord Jesus,
Two days ago we began praying about your merciful mission:
to bind up hearts broken by sin and sorrow,
to free us from hearts imprisoned by sin and evil.
Today, we continue to meditate on the jaw-dropping truth
that you came to bring God’s “favor,”
his immeasurable grace,
his astounding mercy,
his unfailing love.
And while we don’t like to think
about a “day of vengeance,”
it is good to know that the day is coming
when everything that is wrong will be made right,
when all we mourn on this earth—
the injustices of racism and oppression and poverty,
the cruel ravages of sickness and slavery
and war and death,
will come to an abrupt end.
In that day, your year of favor will last forever.
May we live and love in the light of that day.
In your merciful name. Amen.
Read Isaiah 61:1-4; Luke 4:18-19; Romans 12:19-21.