A Prayer about Hope for Temptation
A Prayer about Hope for Temptation
For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. Hebrews 2:18
Lord Jesus,
We’re only five days into 2025,
and most of us have already broken
at least one New Year’s resolution,
if we even made them.
Worse still, we’ve all already succumbed to temptation—
to speak ill of a friend or an enemy,
to eat or drink more than is good
for the bodies you gave us,
to say “yes” when we should have said “no,”
or to say “no” when we should have said “yes.”
And yet, on this twelfth day of Christmas,
we take comfort in this passage (Hebrews 2:14-18).
You knew that in our humanity
we would struggle with temptation and sin,
so you took on our humanity—
everything except the sin.
You gave your human body,
sinless and righteous,
as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
Because you did,
we who are in you,
are forever freed from the fear of death.
Not only that, we are freed from slavery
to the devil,
that we might become obedient like you.
And when we do struggle with temptation,
we have a Savior who can really help,
because you endured the pain and struggle
of temptation for us.
Encourage us today
to walk in your new morning mercy.
Read Hebrews 2:14-18.