A Prayer about Stilling Our Souls

A Prayer about Stilling Our Souls

But I have calmed and quieted my soul,

like a weaned child with its mother;

like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:2

Heavenly Father,

We live in a hectic, busy, noisy world. 

Screens blink at us, 

notifications ding and ping and ring, 

demanding our attention, 


Our world shouts at us 

to do more and do it fast. 

Thank you for the permission to say “no,” 

to not be concerned with matters 

too far beyond us (Psalm 131:1). 

Help us, we pray, 

to be intentional 

about calming our souls 

by trusting in you.

Help us to quiet 

the noisy, driven beat 

of our hearts that differs 

so loudly 

from the steady, gentle rhythm 

you orchestrated. 

Help us to still ourselves 

like a weaned child

in your loving embrace, 

perfectly at rest, 

knowing that you have provided 

and will continue to provide all of our needs.

In Jesus’ hope-full name. Amen.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about the Laughter of Hope

A Prayer about the Laughter of Hope

Then the man said,

“This at last is bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called Woman,

because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:23 

Creator God,

In our season of history,

the idea that one woman could belong to one man, 

that one man could belong to one woman, 

that the two could “become one flesh” —

well, it’s simply unthinkable…if not despicable 

to many in our Western culture. 

Marriage of one man to one woman 

is unfashionable, 

out of style. 

After all, women can stand alone, 

and men and women can “hook up” 

with anyone anytime 

without all the wear and tear 

of commitment 

and emotional ties. 

Oh, dear Creator, 

that was not your design 

for man and woman 

when you created us. 

You said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18).

The only thing you called “not good” in all of creation 

was for “man to be alone.” 

You said, “I will make a ‘helper’ fit for him,” (Gen. 2:18)

a powerful warrior-companion 

to “help the other up” when he has fallen down (Ecclesiastes 4:10). 

You said, the woman shall submit to the husband as the leader (Ephesians 5:22),

to lean into him for protection (so out of style — I can protect myself, thank you very much), 

and the man shall love his wife 

“as Christ loved the church 

and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25) — 

in other words, the man shall put his wife’s needs and concerns 

before his own (again, so last century). 

Oh, Lord, help us to recover 

the beauty and wonder of your gift of marriage 

to some of us. 

None of us is meant to be autonomous in the family of Christ, 

whether we’re married or single. 

Thank you for being so “old-school.”  

We pray for your providing grace 

to help us live out this countercultural commitment. 

In the name of Jesus, our heavenly bridegroom we pray.


Read Genesis 2:18-25; Ephesians 5:21-33.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about the Countercultural Nature of Marriage

A Prayer about the Countercultural Nature of Marriage

Then the man said,

“This at last is bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called Woman,

because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:23 

Creator God,

In our season of history,

the idea that one woman could belong to one man, 

that one man could belong to one woman, 

that the two could “become one flesh” —

well, it’s simply unthinkable…if not despicable 

to many in our Western culture. 

Marriage of one man to one woman 

is unfashionable, 

out of style. 

After all, women can stand alone, 

and men and women can “hook up” 

with anyone anytime 

without all the wear and tear 

of commitment 

and emotional ties. 

Oh, dear Creator, 

that was not your design 

for man and woman 

when you created us. 

You said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18).

The only thing you called “not good” in all of creation 

was for “man to be alone.” 

You said, “I will make a ‘helper’ fit for him,” (Gen. 2:18)

a powerful warrior-companion 

to “help the other up” when he has fallen down (Ecclesiastes 4:10). 

You said, the woman shall submit to the husband as the leader (Ephesians 5:22),

to lean into him for protection (so out of style — I can protect myself, thank you very much), 

and the man shall love his wife 

“as Christ loved the church 

and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25) — 

in other words, the man shall put his wife’s needs and concerns 

before his own (again, so last century). 

Oh, Lord, help us to recover 

the beauty and wonder of your gift of marriage 

to some of us. 

None of us is meant to be autonomous in the family of Christ, 

whether we’re married or single. 

Thank you for being so “old-school.”  

We pray for your providing grace 

to help us live out this countercultural commitment. 

In the name of Jesus, our heavenly bridegroom we pray.


Read Genesis 2:18-25; Ephesians 5:21-33.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Caring for Those Who Grieve

A Prayer about Caring for Those Who Grieve

Afflicted and close to death from my youth up, I suffer your terrors; I am helpless. Psalm 88:15

Merciful Father,

Today we continue our prayer for those grieving an agonizing loss 

with more words from Psalm 88.

For those who feel: “Your wrath lies heavy upon me; 

and you overwhelm me with your waves,” (Psalm 88:7), 

show them your tender compassion and mercy 

through the suffering of your Son.

Remind them that he endured your wrath fully 

so that those who trust in him might never endure it again. 

Help us to bear their burdens by believing for them 

as they wrestle with their unbelief. 

For those who feel: “O Lord, why do you cast my soul away? 

Why do you hide your face from me?” (Psalm 88:14),

Draw near to them in their doubt, 

show them your grace.  

May we enter their grief, 

not with words of explanation for the inexplicable, 

but with presence for those who keenly feel your absence. 

Most of all, Father, we thank you for these dark and harsh words of grief 

written right here in our Bibles. 

May we share them with our grieving friends, 

inviting them to lament their losses. 

You are faithful, and you will hear our prayers.

In Jesus’ grieving name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 88:1-18.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Getting Good at Grief

A Prayer about Getting Good at Grief

I am shut in so I cannot escape; my eye grows dim through sorrow. Psalm 88:9

Compassionate Father,

We don’t pray Psalm 88 enough, 

and maybe that’s why we’re not very good at grief. 

Today, we use the words of this dark yet hopeful Psalm

 to cry out for ourselves or for friends 

walking through agonizing losses:

For those who feel: 

“You have caused my companions to shun me; 

you have made me a horror to them” (Psalm 88:8),

come close in their isolation, 

and send us as comfort in the flesh. 

May we never shrink back from horrific suffering, 

but may we enter into it with your grace and hope. 

For those who feel: “I am a man (or woman) who has no strength” (Psalm 88:4),

soothe them with the rest they desperately need, 

and provide the energy to do the things they must do. 

Send us to lift them up, 

whether in prayer or in service, 

Most of all, Father, 

help our friends to see that they’re not alone, 

that you have supplied them with a great cloud of witnesses 

to walk with them in this long and torturous journey.

In Jesus’ faithful name. Amen.

Read Psalm 88:1-18.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker