A Prayer about Ageism

A Prayer about Ageism

Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

1 Timothy 5:1-2

Good Father,

Forgive us for the ways 

we sometimes marginalize older people. 

We do it in unnoticeable and unmistakeable ways: 

with sins of omission 

(not seeking ways to include the elderly 

by making churches and homes accessible 

in space, sight, and sound), 

or by sins of commission: 

grumbling about how slowly an older person moves

or how poorly they drive. 

You make it abundantly clear that all people, 

from cradle to grave, 

deserve dignity and honor, 

because we are created in your image (Gen. 1:26-27). 

The fifth commandment calls us to honor fathers and mothers, 

promising that doing so leads to lengthy life (Ex. 20:12). 

In 1 Timothy, Paul instructs Timothy,

“do not rebuke an older man harshly, 

but exhort him as if he were your father,” 

treat “older women as mothers,” 

and help widows in need (see 5: 1-3). 

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees 

for failing to care well for their parents (see Mark 7:9-13). 

Help us to see the subtle ways we marginalize the elderly. 

Help us to think of ways to honor the elderly 

and to welcome them in our lives.

In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Read Proverbs 16:31; Ecclesiastes 12; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.


Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about the Reality of Hell

A Prayer about the Reality of Hell

And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night. Revelation 14:11

Holy God,

Forgive us for our reluctance to talk about hell. 

When we refuse to consider its reality, 

we fail to understand the great goodness of the gospel, 

the hope of salvation to those who believe. 

We also fail to be like Jesus, 

who talked about hell 

more than anyone else in the entire Bible. 

He described it as “Gehenna” (Mark 9:43) 

a place out side Jerusalem 

where corpses and garbage 

rotted and burned. 

He said it was a place 

where the soul and body are destroyed  (Matt. 10:28) 

and the “fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:47). 

Yes, we must see hell rightly 

as the place of just punishment for all of our sins, 

and we must see you rightly, 

as a holy, good, and patient God, 

“slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, 

forgiving iniquity and transgression” (Numbers 14:18). 

We must see you as the righteous God 

who allowed your Son 

to suffer the torment of hell on the cross for us, 

that in him, we might never suffer its horror. 

And yes, Lord, we must share the good news 

of our hope in Jesus Christ, 

that others may turn from their sins 

and receive your gift of eternal life 

in everlasting glory.

Help us we pray, Lord, 

to believe your Word and to share its hope urgently.

In Jesus’s name. Amen. 

Read Matt. 25:41-46; Mark 9:43-48; Luke 16:19-311; Rev. 14:11. 

(This prayer based on an excerpt from my book, Preparing for Glory: Biblical Answers to 40 Questions about Living and Dying in Hope of Heaven. (Affiliate link).

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Being Transformed into Glory

A Prayer about Being Transformed into Glory

…are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18b

Dear friends, this is the second part of a two-part prayer on the profound verse 2 Corinthians 3:18. Be sure to pray yesterday’s if you missed it.

Glorious Lord,

Can it be? 

Can it really be true that 

because the Spirit has lifted the veil 

that prevented us from beholding your glory, 

we are now being transformed by that same Spirit, 

by your Spirit? 

Can it be that we are far more than fixer-uppers, 

that we are re-created in you? 

Can it be that the glorious image of God 

in which we were created (Gen. 1:26-27)

is being restored in us 

after it was so terribly corrupted by the fall? 

Can it be that one day, 

when you appear, 

we will be given 

glorious resurrection bodies (See 1 Jn. 3:2)? 

And can it be that a day is coming 

when we will stand before the throne of God, 

and the angels will whisper together and say, 

‘How like Christ (s)he is?’”* 

Oh Lord, we believe; help our unbelief!

In your transforming name. Amen.

Read 2 Corinthians 3:12-18; Gen. 1:26-27; 2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 3:2.

*Principle Rainy’s challenge, quoted in R. Kent Hughes, 2 Corinthians Commentary. 

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Beholding the Glory of the Lord

A Prayer about Beholding the Glory of the Lord


And we all with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18a

Dear Friends, join me today and tomorrow to consider this profound verse, 2 Corinthians 3:18

Glorious Lord,

Still us and stun us with your glory.

Awe us and humble us with the hope 

that we can actually behold your glory.

The apostle Paul boldly declares his ministry 

to be greater than that of Moses (2 Cor. 3:12), 

for he and we, 

all who live after your death and resurrection, 

and have had the veil of hard-heartedness 

toward you removed,

can behold, look on, reflect, 

the glory of the Lord. 

We who were once blinded by unbelief, 

can now see clearly, fully, wholly.

And we must devote ourselves 

to beholding your glory, 

memorizing the contours of unfailing love 

reflected in your face, 

studying the scars in your hands 

and the wound in your side, 

the very wounds by which we were healed (Isaiah 53:5). 

As we study your glory, 

by the ministry of the Spirit, 

we are freed, 


from condemnation (Rom. 8:1), 

from guilt, 

from sin, 

from despair. 

Oh, Lord, pause our busy rushing today 

that we might rejoice 

in your removal of the veil, 

that we might behold your glory.

In your glorious name.


Read 2 Corinthians 3:12-18.


Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Marvelous Nonsense

A Prayer about Marvelous Nonsense

But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. Luke 24:12


We rejoice today, remembering the early days after your resurrection. 

The women had gone to the tomb looking for you 

and had been told by angels that you weren’t there, 

for you had risen. 

They did as instructed, 

running to tell the apostles the unbelievable good news.

But the apostles thought it was “an idle tale,” “nonsense,” 

even though you had told them on multiple occasions 

that you would rise from the dead (Mark 9:30-32; Matthew 16:21-28; Matthew 17:22-23). 

Lord, we live in a skeptical and cynical world, 

where belief in miracles is often scoffed at. 

Open our minds to study the Scriptures 

and our hearts to the unimaginable 

good news of the gospel. 

Make us like Peter, 

who ran to the tomb to see for himself, 

bent down, looked in, and saw your grave-clothes 

lying in an empty tomb. 

When he realized you were gone, 

he “marveled” at what had happened. 

Make us marvelers too. 

It is an amazing story. It is a marvel-ous story. 

It is a story that changes everything about life and death.

In your risen name. Amen.

Read Luke 24:1-12.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker