A Prayer of Lament for Those Who Die Young
A Prayer of Lament for Those Who Die Young
He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!’
Revelation 22:20
Merciful God,
We believe you to be merciful;
help our unbelief.
We admit,
we struggle to understand
why you would take young people home
when it seems to us
they have so many more days
to bear fruit here on this earth.
Why, Lord?
Why do you take children,
a little girl who just professed her faith in you,
a young man who just shared his testimony to his entire football team,
a young woman who sang her love for you
to all who would listen?
We can’t understand.
We hurt with the loss of young ones
precious to us,
precious to their friends,
precious to their parents.
We know.
We know we are but dust.
We know we are frail and fragile
from the day you bring us into this world.
And at some level, we remember that we were made for more.
We were made for a life that will never end.
We were made for eternal glory,
to live with you in a home
where there will be
no more death,
no more pain,
no more sorrow,
no more mourning.
We know this.
In these hard days of grief,
open our eyes to see the day which you,
dear Lord Jesus,
promise is coming soon.
The day when we will be gathered together
with all those we have lost,
infants and children and young adults
the old and the very very old.
In that day,
we will see.
In that day, we may not know “why”
you took our loved one before we were ready,
but we will see your face,
and we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt
your goodness,
your mercy,
your love,
your kindness,
and most of all,
your joy.
Until that day comes,
fill our hearts with this eternal hope,
because of the death and resurrection
of Christ your beloved Son.
In his compassionate name we pray. Amen.
Read Matthew 26:36-46; Revelation 21:1-5; Revelation 22:20-21.