A Prayer about Remembering Death

A Prayer about Remembering Death

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is. Psalm 39:4

Everlasting God,

How we hate to think about or talk about the fact 

that we’re all going to die one day. 

And yet, when we read your Word, 

we see that it frequently speaks of death. 

It reminds us that we are mortal, 

and that our lives, 

in comparison to eternity, 

are short. 

Lord, we pray that you would give us a proper perspective on death—

we don’t “commend” it, 

for you did not design us to die. 

Death was the just punishment for sin. 

And yet, we do recognize its reality, 

and we prepare for it, 

because you tell us to remember that our days are numbered (Ps. 90:12). 

We prepare for it with the hope of immortality, 

knowing that Jesus defeated death on the cross, 

and that all who trust in him 

will live in your eternal glory. 

Because of this great hope, 

we have been freed from slavery to the fear of death (Heb. 2:15). 

And because of this great hope, 

we can prepare for death 

by getting our advance directives and wills and all the other things in order, 

by writing and sharing legacies with our loved ones, 

by visiting the dying, 

by going to funerals, 

and by comforting the grieving. 

Help us today to pray about dying well 

that we may live well. 

In Jesus’ resurrected name. Amen.

Read Psalm 39:4-5; Psalm 90.

A Prayer about Praying for Miracles of Healing

A Prayer about Praying for Miracles of Healing

And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, ‘If you will, you can make me clean.’ Mark 1:40

Life-Changing God,

Thank you for inviting us 

to bring all of our prayer requests before you, 

especially regarding healing. 

Throughout Scripture, we see you reversing the course of nature, 

healing supernaturally, 

as you did when the leper asked you to make him clean. 

Because you healed many people, 

we are invited to pray for healing.

And yet, may we remember, 

we should never treat you as a magician, 

asking you to wave a wand 

and reverse the course of nature. 

When our loved one is suffering and dying, 

eaten up with disease, 

may we pray to accept the reality of death

in your timing and in your way

as an answer to our prayer.

May we continue to lament the horror of death 

until the day Jesus returns to raise us all to new life 

in the new heavens and new earth.  

May we never forget 

your most miraculous healing work—

the raising of the spiritually dead 

to new life and eternal life. 

Lord, give us wisdom when we pray for healing, 

and give us acceptance of your every answer to prayer. 

In Jesus’ healing name. Amen.

Luke 2:29-31; James 1:4-5; Mark 1:40-44.

A Prayer about Facing Our Mortality

A Prayer about Facing Our Mortality

…for dust you are

and to dust you will return. Genesis 3:19

Merciful and Everlasting God,

While this verse,

part of the curse

you pronounced

after Adam and Eve rebelled against you,

sounds pretty dismal,

open our ears to hear the hope

beyond these words.

In a world which often

makes promises it cannot keep:

“You’ll be eternally young,”

“You’ll live unhindered by loss,”

Your Word

frankly reminds us

of our mortality.

These bodies you fashioned have been dying

since the day they were born.

These bodies you fashioned

will one day return to the earth.

And yet, by your unfathomable mercy,

death does not end the story for believers.

Indeed, because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,

our death will be the beginning of an extraordinary life,

a life that lasts forever,

a life with you,

a life of love,

a life of joy,

a life of freedom,

the life for which you created us.

Because of that profoundly good news,

enable us to reflect on our mortality,

and send us out to love the aging

and to bless the dying.

In Jesus’ life-giving name. Amen.

Read Genesis 3:1-24; John 10:10-18.

Read 10 Benefits of Numbering Our Days. 

A Prayer about God’s Purposes in Aging

A Prayer about God’s Purposes in Aging

Everlasting Father,

In a world that often marginalizes or mocks the elderly, 

transform us into people who honor and value the elderly.

Even as we age, may we see your holy purposes for aging—

some may no longer have the energy to tend to babies all night long, 

but they do wake up in the night, 

and they can pray for those who do.

Some may no longer have the physical agility 

to perform skilled labor, 

but they do have years of experience 

and can teach those who do.

Some may no longer have the responsibilities 

of running a business, 

but they do have the ability and wisdom 

to give good counsel to those who do.

Lord, may we see the opportunities aging affords, 

and may we embrace not only our own aging, 

but the aging of others. 

May we see that you call the elderly 

to continue giving you glory 

by learning and leading every day of their lives. 

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen.

Read Proverbs 20:29; Titus 2:2-5; 1 Timothy 5:1 . 

A Prayer for Those Who Fight Disease

A Prayer for Those Who Fight Disease

Almighty God, 

We lift up friends, family, and strangers,  

any who are fighting Covid, cancer, or other dread diseases.

Bring rest to their bodies 

as they fight off the destructive invaders 

Seeking to do them harm, 

bring clarity to their minds as they face 

a dizzying array of medical procedures 

and medicinal protocols, 

bring hope to their hearts 

as they fend off the despair 

that can envelop us when our bodies languish.

As our friends and family suffer,

bring the soothing of your Spirit 

and the comfort of your faithful presence. 

Draw our eyes to see Jesus, 

the best doctor, 

ministering his merciful healing 

to bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. 

In his healing name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 107:1-21.

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6 Opportunities of Aging

6 Opportunities of Aging

Dear Friends,

How do you feel about aging? What’s your least favorite or most favorite thing about aging? Please share in the comments, or hit reply to this email. Your answers help me know how to serve you better.

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This month, I want to share six opportunities of aging. Read on, and let me know the ones you’re discovering or others I left out. 

Disappearing Eyebrows

“Who are you?! Where is Elizabeth, and what you do with her eyebrows?” So goes a morning conversation I frequently have with my mirror. My fading eyebrows are just one of many daily signs that my body is succumbing to the erosion of aging.

Indeed, aging changes us, and not always for the better. Hair turns gray, hair disappears, hair grows out of our ears. We face new limitations: we can no longer drive at night, live at home alone, or stay up late. We experience startling weakness: we forget our neighbor’s name, we need help carrying a bag of groceries into the house. We endure new levels of loneliness: our loved ones die, our children live far away, we can’t get to church. And perhaps worst of all, our own death hurtles toward us at a frightening pace. When you consider the many losses of aging, it’s little wonder we fend it off fiercely or simply pretend it won’t happen to us.

Read the 6 Opportunities of Aging

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