A Prayer about Knowing What Work We’re Called to Do

A Prayer about Knowing What Work We’re Called to Do

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God….2 Cor. 5:20

Heavenly King,

Many of us struggle with knowing our calling 

and purpose here on this earth. 

We’re not sure which job we’re meant to do, 

or when we should retire, 

or if we’re meant to not work outside the home 

at all in this season. 

As we begin this “work week,” 

show us that we all have a role to play 

in your heavenly kingdom. 

You have given us a title, 

“Ambassador for Christ,” 

and with it comes both privileges and responsibilities. 

We are called to share the good news 

of your peace treaty with others, 

to implore others on behalf of Christ the King—

be reconciled to God. 

We are called to protect the citizens of your country, 

to point them to their safe place in Christ. 

We are called to be compelling representatives of you, 

the King, in this foreign country of the world. 

One day, we will gather together 

with all who serve and worship you 

in your heavenly kingdom, 

the new heavens and the new earth. 

Meanwhile, we seek to do your will 

in carrying out your kingdom plan. 

Energize for us this work this week, 

and show us where you would have us go 

with your message.

In the name of Christ our King we pray. Amen.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21. 

A Prayer about Work, Wealth, Women, and Wisdom

A Prayer about Work, Wealth, Women, and Wisdom

For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not wholly true to the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.

1 Kings 11:4

Author God,

May we learn from Solomon:

We remember how you, 

the all-powerful King of the Universe, 

actually humbled yourself to offer Solomon 

anything he asked for: 

“Ask what I shall give you.” 

And Solomon, loving you, honoring you, 

humbly asked for “an understanding mind to govern my people” (1 Kings 3:5, 9). 

Solomon does show this wisdom for awhile, 

and he gets busy working to build you a temple. 

But then some cracks in his foundation become fissures, 

and before we know it, 

he has married 700 women 

who lead him to worship other gods (1 Kings 11:1-8). 

Lord, we want to cry out, 

“How could he,” 

but we know the truth, 

that whether it is work or wealth or women or wine 

or families or football or fashionable things—

we can take any good gift you give us 

and make it into a god we worship more than you. 

Merciful God,

we pray, show us the things that block us 

from loving you 

and following you 

and serving you 

and enjoying you. 

Thank you for giving us rest in Jesus. May we return to him today.

In Jesus’ kingly name. Amen.

Read 1 Kings 11.

A Prayer about Knowing What Work We’re Called to Do

A Prayer about Knowing What Work We’re Called to Do

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God… 2 Cor. 5:20

Heavenly King,

Many of us struggle with knowing our calling 

and purpose here on this earth. 

We’re not sure which job we’re meant to do, 

or if we’re meant to not work outside the home 

at all in this season. 

As we begin this “work week,” 

show us that we all have a role to play 

in your heavenly kingdom. 

You have given us a title, 

“Ambassador for Christ,” 

and with it comes both privileges and responsibilities. 

We are called to share the good news 

of your peace treaty with others, 

to implore others on behalf of Christ the King—

be reconciled to God. 

We are called to protect the citizens of your country, 

to point them to their safe place in Christ. 

We are called to be compelling representatives of you, 

the King, in this foreign country of the world. 

One day, we will gather together 

with all who serve and worship you 

in your heavenly kingdom, 

the new heavens and the new earth. 

Meanwhile, we seek to do your will 

in carrying out your kingdom plan. 

Energize for us this work this week, 

and show us where you would have us go 

with your message.

In the name of Christ our King we pray. Amen.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21. 


A Prayer about How God Works in Our Work

A Prayer about How God Works in Our Work

Glorious God,

As this week begins 

and our minds turn to our work, 

return our minds to your wondrous works. 

Show us how you are working in our work, 

our work of changing diapers or changing sheets, 

our work of building Legos or building homes, 

our work of ministering the gospel or administering medications.

Whatever we do today, 

may we “glory in [your] holy name” 

and may we rejoice as we seek you. (Psalm 105:3).

When we feel weak and incompetent, 

show us your strength 

and surround us with your calming presence.

When the task before us seems impossible, 

remind us that you are the miracle-working God (Psalm 105:5).

In Jesus’ strong name. Amen.

Read Psalm 105:1-6.

A Prayer about Doing Hard Work Heartily

A Prayer about Doing Hard Work Heartily

Gracious Lord,

I remember well the days of four children under six years, 

the chaos, the clutter, the laundry, the diapers, the dishes, 

the drudge of work that had to be done over and over and over again. 

It could be disheartening if not downright depressing. 

Today, I lift up any and all who find their work disheartening or depressing. 

Help us to see beyond the micro-story of the dirty diapers we are changing 

or the droning demands of an impossible boss,

to your meta-story, the story you are writing in us 

through whatever work you have given us. 

Help us to see your kingdom and your mission and the part you have given us to play in it. 

How are you calling us to be an ambassador of Christ in our workplace? 

How are you conforming us to Christ’s image in the patience required to do our work? 

And what reward are you preparing for us even as we do this work (Colossians 3:24)? 

As we see these things, empower us and energize us 

to obey this command, 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, 

as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” (Colossians 3:23).

Read Colossians 3:22-24; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.

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A Prayer about Manic Mondays

A Prayer about Manic Mondays

Heavenly King,

We confess, 

too many of our Mondays are “manic” 

because we don’t still ourselves before you 

and remember 

that you are God, 

you are King, 

you are Lord. 

Too often, we serve little-l lords 

like bosses, children, friends, family, or to-do lists. 

We serve them, 

trying to win their approval

 or trying to prove we are winners. 

Turn our faces toward you. 

Bow our hearts before you. 

Send us into this world this week to serve you, 

loving you and loving others 

as you have empowered us to do.

As we do so, 

may our Mondays go from manic to magnificent. 

In Jesus’ magnificent name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 46:1-11.

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