A Prayer about Hope When All Seems Lost

A Prayer about Hope When All Seems Lost

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. Lamentations 3:22

Faithful Lord,

Sometimes we feel like Jeremiah,

seeing so much devastation and sin and sorrow all around.

Thank you for putting these hopeful verses 

right in the middle of the lament over Jerusalem’s fall.

When we feel 

that “peace has been stripped away,” (Lamentations 3:17, NLT), 

may we hear you singing over us,

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.”

When we feel 

that “everything we had hoped for from the Lord has been lost” (Lamentations 3:19),

may we hear you singing over us,

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.”

When we feel 

that we will “never forget this awful time” (Lamentations 3:20, NLT), 

May we hear you singing over us,

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.”

In the midst of our grief, 

we are grateful 

that you gave us such honest words in Scripture 

to cry out to you, 

we are grateful for your response

 to our lament,

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; 

[my] mercies never come to an end.” 

In Jesus’ faith-full name.


Read Lamentations 3.

A Prayer about the God Who Counts Our Tears

A Prayer about the God Who Counts Our Tears

You have kept count of my tossing; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book? Psalm 56:8

Compassionate Father,

In these days of grief, 

when so many are mourning, 

whether it is loved ones lost to death, 

or homes destroyed by natural disaster, 

or the ongoing oppression of people based on their ethnicity,

We thank you for caring about our tears. 

Not only do you count and collect them, 

one day you will wipe them gently away 

even as you remove the reasons for our mourning: 

“death shall be no more, 

neither shall there be mourning, 

nor crying, nor pain anymore, 

for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4). 

Until that day comes, 

may we bring all of our tears to you, 

and may we share your comfort with others.

In Jesus’ tear-shedding name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 56; Revelation 21:1-5.

A Prayer of Lament for the Abused and Betrayed

A Prayer of Lament for the Abused and Betrayed

When my spirit faints within me, you know my way! In the path where I walk they have hidden a trap for me. Psalm 142:3

Holy and Just God,

We use the words of Psalm 142

to cry out to you

on behalf of all who have suffered



and abuse:

We pour out our complaints;

We tell you our troubles:

Too many children suffer harm at the hands

of those who are meant to show them your security;

Too many women suffer harm from the voices

of men who are meant to show them your tenderness;

Too many people of color suffer harm from the systems

that are meant to show them your protection.

For those who feel

“there is none who takes notice of me;

no refuge remains to me;

no one cares for my soul,” (Psalm 142: 3-4),

We cry out.

Show them that you are indeed

their “refuge,

[their] portion in the land of the living” (Psalm 142:5).

Deliver them from their “persecutors,

for they are too strong for [them]” (Psalm 142:6).

We urge you, Lord,

to make these wrongs right,

because you indeed are righteous,

and “you will deal bountifully with [us]” (Psalm 142:7).

In Jesus righteous name. Amen.

Read Psalm 142.

A Prayer about Facing Our Mortality

A Prayer about Facing Our Mortality

…for dust you are

and to dust you will return. Genesis 3:19

Merciful and Everlasting God,

While this verse,

part of the curse

you pronounced

after Adam and Eve rebelled against you,

sounds pretty dismal,

open our ears to hear the hope

beyond these words.

In a world which often

makes promises it cannot keep:

“You’ll be eternally young,”

“You’ll live unhindered by loss,”

Your Word

frankly reminds us

of our mortality.

These bodies you fashioned have been dying

since the day they were born.

These bodies you fashioned

will one day return to the earth.

And yet, by your unfathomable mercy,

death does not end the story for believers.

Indeed, because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,

our death will be the beginning of an extraordinary life,

a life that lasts forever,

a life with you,

a life of love,

a life of joy,

a life of freedom,

the life for which you created us.

Because of that profoundly good news,

enable us to reflect on our mortality,

and send us out to love the aging

and to bless the dying.

In Jesus’ life-giving name. Amen.

Read Genesis 3:1-24; John 10:10-18.

Read 10 Benefits of Numbering Our Days. 

6 Ways to Cope with Grief during the Holidays

6 Ways to Cope with Grief during the Holidays

Dear Friends,

As we enter Thanksgiving week of 2021, the first after my mother’s death, I feel a little like I’m in a hotel room groping in the dark to find the light switch. The terrain is unfamiliar, and I’ve already bumped into the desk a few times. Whether you have lost a loved one this year or caregiving has rearranged your life, the holidays can stir up grief like a windstorm in the desert. When we enter the season aware of the potential struggles, we’re more likely to walk through it with hope and kindness. Here are six ways I’ve discovered to cope with grief during the holidays. 

1. Acknowledge the reality, and accept the normalcy of your grief.

Because so much is flying at us during the holidays, we can forget that we have lost something significant. Then, when we cry messy tears during a cheesy holiday movie or dread decorating the Christmas tree, we are taken by surprise.  

Jesus led us in acknowledging his own grief over Lazarus’ death, weeping loudly, even though he knew he was about to raise him from the dead (See John 11). If Jesus grieved, then we are in good company in our grief. Jesus invites us to rest in him in our grief.