A Prayer about Freedom from Contempt

A Prayer about Freedom from Contempt

Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt. Psalm 123:3

Merciful and Loving Lord,

Many of us have suffered 

from daily doses of contempt, 

deployed by the evil one through “arrogant attackers” (Psalm 123:4). 

Contempt spreads like a cancer 

within our bodies and souls, 

wreaking havoc on our hearts, 

deceiving our brains.

Contempt shouts at us, 

telling us we’re not strong enough, 

smart enough, thin enough, 

good enough. 

Contempt makes fun of us 

for crying out to you for mercy. 

And yet, we do, for where else could we go? 

You alone have seen our worst, 

judged it for what it is—

destructive sin and rebellion, 

and sent your Son to die for it, 

that we might be freed from it. 

You, the One Judge who has the right to condemn us, 

paid our debt,

that you might call us your beloved children. 

Because of your mercy and grace, 

may we never join with voices of contempt, 

and may we bring the good news about you

to others 

through love, patience, kindness, and gentleness. 

In Jesus’ freeing name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 123. 


A Prayer about How to Not Grumble

A Prayer about How to Not Grumble

Do all things without grumbling or arguing, that you may be blameless and pure…Philippians 2:14

Generous Father,

A few days ago, 

I noticed a lot of grumbling and arguing 

swimming around in my soul. 

The driver of the twenty-year-old land yacht 

changed lanes without warning, 

the rain soaked my shoes, 

and my roasted chicken refused to be done. 

In such days, 

draw my heart to the 



unrelenting love of Jesus.

Did Jesus ever say to you and the Spirit, 

“Why do I have to be the one to die for these unworthy sinners?” 

No. He did not.

Even though he was “in the form of God, 

he did not consider equality with God 

a thing to be grasped, 

emptying himself, becoming a servant…” 

He went all the way to the cross, 

and as I read the story, 

I don’t hear him grumbling once. 

He lamented in the garden, yes. But he did not argue. 

The truly astonishing thing is that 

we can “have the same mind of Christ” 

when we trust in him, 

because we are in him, 

and he is in us. 

Not only that, 

when we do things without grumbling or arguing, 

we are living into the blamelessness and innocence 

we received through Christ. 

Not only that, when we do things 

without grumbling or arguing, 

we “shine as lights in the world” 

“in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation” — 

we are little lighthouses 

pointing the way in the darkness to Jesus, 

“the light of all mankind.”

What a story! What a Savior! 

By your Spirit, 

may praise and singing and encouragement 

and kindness slip easily from our tongues today!

In Jesus’ uncomplaining name. Amen. 

Read Philippians 2:1-18.

A Prayer about What Makes Us Most Happy

A Prayer about What Makes Us Most Happy

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3

King Jesus,

In the seven beatitudes (beatus means “blessed” or “happy” in Latin), 

you gave us many characteristics of the happy ambassador, 

but you began with “poor in spirit,” 

or, as Eugene Peterson paraphrases it, 

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope.”

Lord, we confess, we don’t like being “at the end of our rope.” 

We don’t want to be poor, 

whether in spirit or financially. 

We don’t want to be seen as weak or needy 

nor do we want to be weak or needy. 

We don’t really like to struggle; 

we prefer, especially as Christians, 

to have it all together. 

And yet, we know 

that you are the one 

“in whom all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). 

Humble us, Lord, and help us to acknowledge 

how desperate we really are. 

Help us to acknowledge 

our ongoing, daily battle with sin and selfishness. 

Help us to acknowledge 

that we’ve made some big messes 

in our families and friendships 

and work and churches. 

Help us to acknowledge 

that we’re weary 

and not sure how long we can keep going. 

Help us to lay every sin and sorrow before you, 

the One who came to envelop us 

in a state of rest and peace and happiness 

that lasts forever. 

Such is the joy of knowing your help for the desperate. 

So very gratefully we pray. Amen.

Read Matthew 5:1-12.

A Prayer about the Goodness of the Lord

A Prayer about the Goodness of the Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 118:1

Good and Loving Lord,

Slow us down as we read Scripture, that we may see your glorious riches all over again.

Why do we give you thanks?

Because you are good

Pause us for a few moments to help us see 

what it means that you are good and that you are steadfastly loving. 

There are many things in this world we name “good,”—

that was a “good book,” 

a “good movie,” 

a “good game.” 

But these things are not like your goodness. 

Nothing compares to your goodness. 

You are holy, just, perfect, 

lovely, gracious, kind, 

wise, powerful, 

the measure of any and all goodness.

Not only that, but your “steadfast love endures forever.”

Your love is safe, secure, and everlasting.

It is there when we hurt a dear friend with sarcastic words,

It is there when we get canceled or condemned for our beliefs,

It is there when we fear a hurricane bearing down on us,

It is there when we wonder if our back will ever be free of pain,

It is there when we worry about rising prices and shrinking income…

In all things, may we remember…

You are good, 

and your love is certain and sure.

In Jesus’ good name. Amen.

Read Psalm 118.

A Prayer about Why We Make Joyful Noises

A Prayer about Why We Make Joyful Noises

Joy-Giving Lord,

You know that I’m not a very good singer, 

but I sure do like to “Make a joyful noise,” 

and I pray that would be true 

for all who join me in praise of your goodness 

this morning.

We make a joyful noise, 

serve you with gladness, 

and come inro your presence with singing 

because you are God, 

because you made us, 

because we belong to you, 

because we are your people, 

and because we are your sheep (Psalm 100:3). 

[Name specific ways any one of these things makes you joyful or thankful].

We enter your gates with thanksgiving, 

your courts with praise, 

we bless your name, 

because you are good, 

your day-by-day 



endures for-ever, 

your covenantal commitment to us 

lasts until Jesus returns (Psalm 100:5).

[Name some specific ways his steadfast love and faithfulness to you encourages you today.]

In Jesus’ joy-full name. Amen.

Read Psalm 100. 

A Prayer about the Lord’s Enjoyment of Us

A Prayer about the Lord’s Enjoyment of Us

Mighty God,

Slow us down 

that we might take in the wonder of these words!

You, the Creator of the cosmos, 

the maker of heaven and earth, 

are in our midst! 

You are a mighty one who has already saved us 

by your Son and adopted us as your children. 

And now you rejoice in us with gladness—

you are always happy to see us, 

even when we are coming to confess our sin.

When chaos makes life noisy or scary, 

you quiet us with your love. 

But you don’t stay quiet about your love—

like a proud Papa, you sing loudly your joy in us!

We believe; help our unbelief. 

Father, help us to enjoy 

your glorious enjoyment of us, 

today and every day.