
A Prayer about the Goodness of the Lord

A Prayer about the Goodness of the Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 118:1

Good and Loving Lord,

Slow us down as we read Scripture, that we may see your glorious riches all over again.

Why do we give you thanks?

Because you are good

Pause us for a few moments to help us see 

what it means that you are good and that you are steadfastly loving. 

There are many things in this world we name “good,”—

that was a “good book,” 

a “good movie,” 

a “good game.” 

But these things are not like your goodness. 

Nothing compares to your goodness. 

You are holy, just, perfect, 

lovely, gracious, kind, 

wise, powerful, 

the measure of any and all goodness.

Not only that, but your “steadfast love endures forever.”

Your love is safe, secure, and everlasting.

It is there when we hurt a dear friend with sarcastic words,

It is there when we get canceled or condemned for our beliefs,

It is there when we fear a hurricane bearing down on us,

It is there when we wonder if our back will ever be free of pain,

It is there when we worry about rising prices and shrinking income…

In all things, may we remember…

You are good, 

and your love is certain and sure.

In Jesus’ good name. Amen.

Read Psalm 118.

A Prayer about Why We Make Joyful Noises

A Prayer about Why We Make Joyful Noises

Joy-Giving Lord,

You know that I’m not a very good singer, 

but I sure do like to “Make a joyful noise,” 

and I pray that would be true 

for all who join me in praise of your goodness 

this morning.

We make a joyful noise, 

serve you with gladness, 

and come inro your presence with singing 

because you are God, 

because you made us, 

because we belong to you, 

because we are your people, 

and because we are your sheep (Psalm 100:3). 

[Name specific ways any one of these things makes you joyful or thankful].

We enter your gates with thanksgiving, 

your courts with praise, 

we bless your name, 

because you are good, 

your day-by-day 



endures for-ever, 

your covenantal commitment to us 

lasts until Jesus returns (Psalm 100:5).

[Name some specific ways his steadfast love and faithfulness to you encourages you today.]

In Jesus’ joy-full name. Amen.

Read Psalm 100. 

A Prayer about the Lord’s Enjoyment of Us

A Prayer about the Lord’s Enjoyment of Us

Mighty God,

Slow us down 

that we might take in the wonder of these words!

You, the Creator of the cosmos, 

the maker of heaven and earth, 

are in our midst! 

You are a mighty one who has already saved us 

by your Son and adopted us as your children. 

And now you rejoice in us with gladness—

you are always happy to see us, 

even when we are coming to confess our sin.

When chaos makes life noisy or scary, 

you quiet us with your love. 

But you don’t stay quiet about your love—

like a proud Papa, you sing loudly your joy in us!

We believe; help our unbelief. 

Father, help us to enjoy 

your glorious enjoyment of us, 

today and every day. 

A Prayer about Getting Unstuck

A Prayer about Getting Unstuck

Author God,

What a profound true story you have given us to demonstrate 

the only real hope for those of us who feel stuck—

whether stuck in sin, stuck in bad habits, or just stuck in life.

May we read this story and see 

how Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), 

how his revelation that he is the Messiah, 

the Christ, the King of our lives, 

changes everything when we believe it. 

The Samaritan woman, 

who had been stuck for a long time, 

dropped her water jar

and ran back to the very people 

she had just avoided 

to invite them to meet the Messiah (John 4:28-30). 

May we truly seek out the Jesus who seeks us out. 

May we find ourselves found in him. 

And may we become true worshipers—

those who worship in spirit and in truth (4:23). 

Read John 4:1-42. For more thoughts on this story, check out this weekly gospel meditation. 

A Prayer about Abounding in Hope and Joy

A Prayer about Abounding in Hope and Joy

God of Hope,

Thank you for the good news this verse offers:

You are the God of hope, 

and you are the one who fills us with all joy and hope.

Though first days back at work or school after the holidays 

may have filled us with dread or despair, 

though lonely days of missing friends and family 

who were with us this time last year

may have filled us with grief and sorrow, 

you are pouring joy and hope 

into our hearts as we believe, 

as we trust in the good news 

that Jesus Christ was born to redeem 

all sin, sorrow and suffering. 

We thank you that it’s not up to us 

to fill ourselves with hope, 

but by the immeasurable power 

and endless energy of the Holy Spirit, 

you are continuously pouring your hope 

into our hearts. 

Help us today to see and name 

all the reasons for our hope:

[Name some ways you see God of hope filling you with joy and hope in believing]. 

In Jesus’ hope-giving name. Amen.

Read Romans 15:8-13. 

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A Prayer about Making a Joyful Noise

A Prayer about Making a Joyful Noise

Hi Friends,

Today and tomorrow, we are going to pray through Psalm 100. Praying through Scripture is a great way to fuel our prayers with the Spirit’s words. It’s fairly simple: we begin with the Scripture and pray whatever comes to mind. I will give examples for each verse, but feel free to simply say your own.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth (Psalm 100:1)! 

Lord, you know I’m not very musical, but I sure can make a joyful noise. 

I imagine it might sound a bit noisy 

in the new heavens 

with all the saints and angels 

and gorillas and giraffes 

shouting their praise. 

Today we make joyful noises 

about all the good gifts you have given us: 

our salvation, our work, our children…

[Name some of the good gifts you are thankful for]

Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2)!

Lord, you are our Redeemer and our Master; 

we delight to serve you— 

help us to remember that we are serving you today 

in driving carpool, 

in talking with co-workers about a project, 

in going to Bible study, 

in teaching children, 

in coming alongside a hurting friend…

[Name some ways you might be called to serve the Lord today 

and pray that you will serve him with gladness]

Come into his presence with singing! (Psalm 100:2)

Lord, we are amazed that you invite us into your holy and glorious presence.

Not only that, you have given us your presence through your Holy Spirit. 

Not only that, but you are rejoicing over us with singing!

How could we not come into your presence singing and making joyful noises!

[You could also sing a favorite hymn or praise song here.]

In Jesus’ joy-filling name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 100.