Five Good Reads for Hard Seasons
Five Good Reads for Hard Seasons
Because I have been writing a devotional on finding peace and hope in the midst of crisis, I have been immersed in books on suffering for over a year now. It seems God was up to something in directing me to helpful resources. Today, I’m sharing five helpful books on finding hope in the midst of suffering.
Beyond Suffering Bible
Where Struggles Seem Endless God’s Hope Is Infinite
Joni & Friends
Joni Eareckson Tada, who became a quadriplegic in 1967 at the age of 17, has encouraged people with disabilities for over forty years. The Beyond Suffering Bible includes thoughts from Joni, devotionals written by the people at Joni and Friends, and other connections, showing how the hope of the gospel speaks to suffering people.
A favorite quote: “God cares too much—way too much—about us to leave us wallowing in self-pity….And so through the strange blessing of weakness, he pushes and prods us to take him at his Word.” (A14)
Sharon W. Betters shares the treasures she learned in the darkness after her youngest child was killed at age sixteen in a car accident. A woman of strong faith, Sharon gives us the kind gift of sharing her intimate journey with God through grief into hope. This is an excellent read for all who are grieving and for those who want to know how to come alongside the grieving.
A favorite quote: “The theme of redeeming the darkness of the journey by living a life that reflects our hope in you is a strong thread throughout Scripture. It takes every spiritual muscle to step up to such a calling, muscles that require regular exercise. Like the psalmist, I need the mind of a little child to daily face the tasks of each day with purpose and hope, trusting that in your time, you will come for your children. I long for that day.” (p.253).
Dr. Jerry Sittser lost his mother, his wife, and his young daughter in a tragic car accident. As he grappled with immense loss and sorrow, he discovered a God who is gracious to redeem, to transform a person through suffering.
A favorite quote: “ If we face loss squarely and respond to it wisely, we will actually become healthier people, even as we draw closer to physical death. We will find our souls healed, as they can only be healed through suffering.” (p.10).
God’s Plans for You
J.I. Packer
This book will not give you a detailed map of God’s specific plans for you. Instead, the author, J.I. Packer, offers something far better: straight truth from Scripture about the things that we know God has planned for us—yes, plans for good and not for evil, plans for joy in the midst of suffering, plans for new life even in the midst of death and dying.
A favorite quote: “Grief, desolation, and pain are feelings triggered by present situations, but faith produces joy, hope, and peace at all times. This does not mean that grief, desolation, and pain cease to be felt (that idea is inhuman); it means that something else is experienced alongside the hurt. It becomes possible for Christians today, like Paul long ago, to be ‘sorrowful, yet always rejoicing’ (2 Cor. 6:10).” (p. 110).
Suffering Is Never for Nothing
Elisabeth Elliott
Elisabeth Elliot knew suffering. Her first husband, Jim Elliot, a missionary to the Huaorani tribe, was murdered by the people he went to serve. Elisabeth later went to Ecuasorto serve the very people who killed her husband. Her second husband, Addison Leitch, died of cancer only three years after their marriage. Elisabeth speaks from the heart as a woman who knows what the Bible says about suffering and knows intimately the God who meets you in your suffering.
A favorite quote: “There would be no intellectual satisfaction on this side of Heaven to that age-old question, why. Although I have not found intellectual satisfaction, I have found peace. The answer I say to you is not an explanation but a person, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God.” (Location 313, Kindle edition)
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A Good Read for Hard Times: The Waiting Room Devotional
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