A Prayer about a Baby Who Took on Our Burden

A Prayer about a Baby Who Took on Our Burden

For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. Isaiah 9:4

Lord Jesus,

Many of us will probably see at least one nativity scene today. 

If we do, or even if we don’t, 

pause us in our busyness 

to wonder about this remarkable story:

This baby lying in a manger would be you, 

our Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

You, our Prince of Peace,

would be the warrior 

who brought peace for us 

and for the cosmos 

by dying on a cross.

You, our Prince of Peace, 

would deliver us 

from the oppression of evil and sin.

You, our  Prince of Peace, 

would free us 

from the burden of guilt and shame.

You, our Prince of peace, 

would beckon us to come to you, 

to be yoked (united) to you, 

and to know the rest only you can bring. 

May we truly marvel at this wonder 

and find our rest in you today. 

In your peace-bringing name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 9:1-7.

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

A Prayer about the Hope for Our Bodies

A Prayer about the Hope for Our Bodies

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…John 1:14

Lord Jesus,

As we celebrate your incarnation, 

which literally means “enfleshing”, 

may we not miss the wonder 

that you became a human body. 

May we see the beauty of the bodies 

our Creator God formed for each of us to inhabit, 

and may we thank God for this precious gift. 

May we see how the fall broke our bodies, 

making us know shame 

in our minds, spirits, and bodies (Genesis 3:1-8).

May we marvel at the truth 

author John W. Kleinig describes:

you “took on a human body 

to reclaim us bodily 

for fellowship with God the Father” 

and because you did, 

“our bodies once again become 

what they were meant to be.” 

In union with you, 

we share your holiness 

as we are filled with the Holy Spirit. 

In union with you, 

we “share in God’s hidden glory 

and display it by word and deed 

to the world.” * 

Throughout this season, 

every time we think of the incarnation, 

may we rejoice in the hope 

of the full redemption of our bodies 

we will experience when you return.

In your embodied name. Amen. 

Read John 1:14-18; Genesis 3:1-8; Romans 8:23. 

Quotes from John W. Kleinig, Fearfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

A Prayer about the Lord’s Majesty, Might, and Mercy

A Prayer about the Lord’s Majesty, Might, and Mercy

And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior Luke 1:46-47

Majestic Lord,

we join with Mary in magnifying you, 

in proclaiming your greatness.

Indeed, you are mighty, 

and you have done great things for us, 

and your name is holy (Luke 1:49).

Your mercy is for us who fear you; 

your mercy continues through the generations 

to all who live in awe of you (Luke 1:50).

You have “shown strength with your arm, 

“scattering the proud 

and bringing down the mighty 

from their thrones” (Luke 1: 52).

You have filled “the hungry with good things” 

and sent those who think they are rich away, empty, 

because they refused to name their need for you (Luke 1:52-53).

You have helped your servant Israel 

and your servant (insert your name), 

not because of anything we’ve done, 

but because you remembered your mercy (Luke 1:54).

You have spoken your covenant, 

your unfailing promise, of redemption, 

and what you speak comes to pass (Luke 1:55).

May we meditate on these truths today and every day. 

In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. 

Read Luke 1:46-55. 

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

A Prayer about Relief from Life’s Crushing Load

A Prayer about Relief from Life’s Crushing Load

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests. Luke 2:14

Heavenly Father, 

We cannot help but notice the stark contrasts 

in the story of the first Christmas. 

Into a dark and silent world, 

you sent angels to speak hope. 

Often when they came, 

the first response was fear: 

“And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, 

and the glory of the Lord shone around them, 

and they were filled with fear” (Luke 2:9). 

Your people lived in a world of strife. 

The words of “It Came upon a Midnight Clear” 

described life then and life now:

“And ye, beneath life’s crushing load,

whose forms are bending low,

who toil along the climbing way

with painful steps and slow…”

And yet, in the midst of 


and suffering 

and silence, 

you sent these wild and fearsome angels 

to announce the arrival of joy and peace:

“Fear not, for behold, 

I bring you good news 

of great joy 

that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10).

What was this good news?

A Savior is born!

He is the King 

who will bring an end 

to the bitter strife 

among humankind:

“He himself is our peace, 

who has made us both one 

and has broken down in his flesh 

the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians 2:14).

Wherever this season finds us, 

may we listen for the good news:

“Look now! For glad and golden hours

Come swiftly on the wing.

O rest beside the weary road, 

And hear the angels sing!”

For he has come and brought peace, 

and we await the day 

when he will come again, 

and all hostility will cease. 

In that day, 

there will be no more cause for crying, 

no more “crushing loads.” 

We will sing in a choir 

composed of people from every nation, tribe, and tongue, 

“Glory to God in the highest!”

Come now, Lord Jesus!


Read Luke 2:8-14.

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

A Prayer about the Baby Born to Be King

A Prayer about the Baby Born to Be King

And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages should serve him.

Daniel 7:14

Lord Jesus,

As we continue meditating 

on my favorite Christmas hymn, 

“Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” 

we marvel at the fact that you were a baby 

delivered to deliver…

”born a child and yet a King!”

You weren’t born to become 

the president of the United States 

or the president of a corporation, 

nor were you born to win battles 

through military prowess—

You were born to win our hearts back 

from the kingdom of darkness 

by paying the debt of our sin. 

You were born to “reign in us forever,” 

to displace anyone or anything 

that might try to rule falsely over us.

You were born to rule forever, 

in a kingdom which will not pass away, 

in a kingdom in which peace and justice 

are the order of every day.

You were born 

to “raise us to thy glorious throne” 

where we will reign with you 

by serving you eternally. 

May we sing this good news heartily 

and live with joy and hope 

because of it. 

In your reigning name. Amen. 

Read Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 21:24-25, 22:5.

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.

A Prayer about Finding Freedom in the Long-Expected Jesus

A Prayer about Finding Freedom in the Long-Expected Jesus

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. Romans 6:22

Lord Jesus,

This morning we are meditating 

on the good news about you—

our “long-expected Jesus,”

as Charles Wesley wrote about 

in one of my favorite Advent hymns.

Indeed, Jesus, you were “born to set thy people free.”

Thank you for freeing me from…

[name some of the things Jesus has set you free from…].

Thank you for releasing me from my fears and sins 

[name some of the fears and sins he has released you from…].

Thank you for being my strength in weakness 

[name some of your weaknesses].

Thank you for being my consolation when I am sorrowful 

[name some of your sorrows…].

Most of all, thank you 

for letting me “find my rest in thee.” 

In your long-expected name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 61:1-2; 2 Corinthians 4:14; Romans 6:22.

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.