
A Prayer about Happy Holidays

A Prayer about Happy Holidays

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises! Psalm 98:4

Joyful Lord,

It’s already happening. 

I feel my inner Grinch creeping, 

ready to make a sneak attack 

on the poor unsuspecting checkout folks 

who cheerfully call out, “Happy Holidays” 

after I’ve just bought Christmas ornaments. 

Lord, I know they’ve been told what to say. 

Lord, I know that Christmas 

has become commercialized. 

And yet, these stores will still play songs like,

“Joy to the World, the Lord is come, 

let earth receive her King,” 

and “Hark, the herald angels sing, 

‘Glory to the newborn King.’”

 So rather than getting all grinchy 

when someone tells me, “Happy Holidays,” 

help me to joyfully respond, “Thank you,” 

or even, “Joy to the world!” 

Help me to see that even the “secularization” of Christmas

offers prime opportunities 

to share the true reason for our joy — 

we have a great King, 

and that King has come, 

in the form of a baby human! 

It’s game-changing news, 

but many don’t know it. 

May we seek this season 

to share this news 

in the best way we know how, 

by living and loving 

in the fullness of our Savior’s joy!


Read Psalm 98; Luke 2:8-20.


Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.


A Prayer about How Christmas Disturbs Our Self-Made Shalom

A Prayer about How Christmas Disturbs Our Self-Made Shalom

But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. Luke 1:29

Wondrous God, 

Even though this verse isn’t usually 

the subject of memes or cross-stitched wall-art, 

we need to ponder it.

It reminds us of just how disruptive 

the birth of Christ really was, 

how Christ in fact came 

to disrupt any self-made shalom, 

any peace we’ve gained on our own terms, 

any security and significance 

that doesn’t come from you. 

We can imagine how confused 

Mary must have been, 

how disruptive the news 

of her imminent pregnancy was to her.

After all, what would Joseph, 

her betrothed say?

And yet, she doesn’t quarrel 

with the angel Gabriel. 

Instead, she wonders, “How can this be?”

Lord, in this season of Advent, 

draw us to wonder 

about the disruptive grace 

of Jesus Christ. 

Make us sit and rest and ponder 

the enormity of this question, 

“How can this be….” 

In Christ’s wonderfully disruptive name. Amen.

Read Luke 1:26-38.


Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.


A Prayer about Becoming Wise

A Prayer about Becoming Wise

Wise Lord,

As we enter this first week of the new year, 

how desperately we need your wisdom. 

We’ve seen the bumper stickers, and they nail it—

“Wise men still seek him.” 

Lord, indeed, the first way of wisdom 

is to seek Jesus. 

For years I didn’t realize that the wise men weren’t Jewish—

they were astrologers, 

interpreters of stars and signs and dreams, 

likely from Babylon. 

Maybe they had overheard some Israelites 

who were exiled there 

speaking of the “bright morning star” 

and they recognized the sign when they saw it. 

Lord, help us to recognize you, 

and to seek you in a much clearer sign—your Word. 

When the wise men saw the sign, 

they traveled far, probably around nine hundred miles, 

to find the “king of the Jews.” 

Lord, make us willing travelers 

who will enter the unfamiliar 

in order to see you and to share you with others. 

The wise men risked their lives in asking Herod, 

the appointed king of the Jews, 

where the real King of the Jews was. 

Lord, make us bold and courageous 

in telling the truth about our real King, Jesus. 

The wise men “rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” 

when they saw the star 

and when they discovered the child Jesus,

they “fell down and worshiped.” 

Lord, make us people who fall down and worship 

when we see you, 

and make us see you every single moment of every single day.

In the name of King Jesus we pray. Amen. 

Read Matthew 2: 1-12.

(This prayer was inspired by a sermon from our pastor, Joel Treick — you can listen at Pinewoods Church, December 19, 2021. 

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A Prayer about Suffering with the Savior

A Prayer about Suffering with the Savior

Comforting Father,

As this year draws to a close,

I know many who, like me, 

look forward to a new year, 

hoping that it will soften the harsh edges 

of last year’s grief, looking forward to new joys. 

May it be so. 

And yet, as we consider the words of Simeon 

to Mary and Joseph, 

we see that the call of a Christian 

is to know the abiding joy of our salvation 

even as we suffer piercing swords in our souls. 

Jesus was born to die. 

We are called to be reborn to die—

to our consuming agendas, 

to our self-salvation strategies, 

to our demand for certainty and control. 

Like Mary and Joseph, 

we are always richly blessed 

by our Savior. 

Like Mary and Joseph, 

we will at times endure piercing pain 

as we follow our Savior.  

May we embrace our calling 

with hearts of hope, 

knowing that our Savior 

“endured the cross” 

“for the joy set before him,” 

the joy of making us your beloved children. 

In the name of our Suffering Savior, Jesus, 

we pray. Amen.

Read Luke 2:33-35. 

Get your free ten page story planner and other gospel-centered resources.

A Prayer about Drawing Near to the Throne of Grace

A Prayer about Drawing Near to the Throne of Grace

Gracious Father,

In these days between Christmas and New Year’s, 

some of us find ourselves in seasons of doubt. 

Some feel regret over Christmas conflicts, 

others feel remorse over sins habitually committed.

Wherever we find ourselves,

may we hear you calling us 

to confidence:

Draw near to the throne of grace!

There you will find your sympathetic priest, 

“who was tempted in every way and yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15)

He became the perfect sacrifice 

and presented this sacrifice to me, 

and now, united with him, 

you are cleansed from your sins.

Come to me with confidence.

You will find mercy and grace 

to help you in your time of need.”

Forgiving Father, of all the invitations 

we may receive this holiday season, 

none is so generous and comforting as this one. 

Thank you! 

May we receive and believe it.

In the name of our sympathetic priest, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Read Hebrews 4:14-16.

Get Finding Rest in Christmas for Free

Do you need help finding rest in Christmas?

Four-part devotional series designed to help you…Slow down. Let go…of the frenzy, worry, rush…
Hear the story of the wonders God has done—in the lives of people who also struggle with fear, anxiety and loss of hope.


Day 1: Devotional

Day 2: Reflection Questions

Day 3: Story Starters

Day 4: Prayer

Day 5: Music

A Prayer about Seeing the Light

A Prayer about Seeing the Light

Glorious God,

Though the twelfth day of Christmas has come and gone,

the defrocked trees lie dried and withered by the curb,

may we see the glory of Christ-with-us,

the good news that our light has come,

today and every day of this year.

Peel the scales from our eyes,

that we may see the light that has overcome the thick darkness,

your grace, and your glory,

your mercy and your kindness to us in Christ.

Indeed, may all “nations come to your light,

and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:3).

Open our eyes to see the great ingathering of your people,

“the sons …come from afar…the daughters carried on the hip…” (Isaiah 60:4).

Radiate our hearts with this good news today and every day.

In Jesus’ glorious name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 60:1-5.