A Prayer about the Good Shepherd

A Prayer about the Good Shepherd

I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep. John 10:14-15

Good Shepherd,

We’re so glad that you know your sheep. 

You know everything about us—

you count every one 

of our wooly curls, 

you foresee every one 

of our mucky ruts, 

you right us every time 

we turn ourselves over. 

You have saved us from the thief 

who came to kill and steal and destroy (John 10:10). 

Without you, we were harassed and helpless, 

like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36),

 but you heard our bleating cries 

and came to save us. 

Thank you for attuning us 

to your firm but tender voice,

for teaching us to heed 

your gracious guidance. 

Most of all, thank you for becoming 

the sacrificial sheep for us, 

for laying down your life

that we might fully know you 

and fully know our Father. 

In your good shepherding name 

we pray. Amen.

Read John 10:1-18.

A Prayer about Receiving a Dire Diagnosis

A Prayer about Receiving a Dire Diagnosis

Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. Isaiah 41:10

Mighty and Merciful God,

We lift up those 

who have just received the bad news about their health 

or a loved one’s health.

It was cancer. 

There is no cure. 

We’re not sure what’s wrong.

We know the panic 

that comes in such a moment. 

Our palms sweat. 

Our hearts race. 

The room gets blurry. 

We have questions? 

Can I endure the pain? 

What will happen to my loved ones? 

What about work? 

Am I going to die?

Oh, gracious Father, 

thank you for so many beautiful words 

in your Word 

that address our fear. 

May all who have received a dire diagnosis 

hear them now:

“Don’t panic. 

I’m with you. 

There’s no need to fear 

for I’m your God. 

I’ll give you strength. 

I’ll help you. 

I’ll hold you steady, 

keep a firm grip on you” (Isaiah 41:10).

Oh, Father, thank you for these 

and all of the other words you have given us 

to comfort and calm our hearts. 

May we all know your nearness 

to the brokenhearted 

in this difficult season (Psalm 34:18).

In Jesus’ merciful name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 43:1-2; Psalm 34.

A Prayer about Seeing the Light

A Prayer about Seeing the Light

And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:3

Glorious King,

As we revisit the story 

leading up to your death on a cross 

and your rising in glory, 

we’re still a long way away 

from your triumphal entry into Jerusalem. 

But the joy we know as Christians 

is that we’ve already heard the end of the story, 

and you win!  

In these gloomy, dark days of February, 

may we see your light burning 

through the thick darkness of our sin, 

the thick darkness of racial and political divides, 

the thick darkness of war and sickness and death. 

The day is coming, and it is coming soon, 

when we will arise and shine, 

when all nations and all kings 

will bow to the “brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:3). 

Until that day comes, 

may our hearts be warmed 

by the radiating glory 

of your brilliant love.

In your kingly name. Amen. 

Read Isaiah 60. 

A Prayer about Self-Care for Caregivers

A Prayer about Self-Care for Caregivers

And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. Matthew 14:23

Caregiving Jesus,

Even as we prayed yesterday about denying ourselves 

that we might follow you, 

we pray today to correct a misinterpretation 

of that verse we often see in caregivers. 

When you called us to deny ourselves, 

you never meant for us to deny or denigrate our humanity — 

our mental, emotional, and physical needs 

for rest, exercise, good nutrition, and medical care. 

Sadly, too many caregivers do exactly this, 

believing they are the only one 

who can tend to their loved one’s needs, 

and neglecting their own health. 

You yourself acknowledged your human limitations 

by sleeping and eating 

and taking time away from your ministry 

to pray and rest (Matthew 14:22-23; Mark 4:35-40). 

Lord, we pray that you would help our caregiving friends 

honor the bodies you have given them 

and humble themselves to rely on others 

so that they might get the care they need 

in this stressful season. 

In your caring name we ask.


Read Mark 4:35-40; Matthew 14:22-23; 1 Corinthians 6:19; Matthew 11:28-30. 

A Prayer about Denying Self

A Prayer about Denying Self

If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Mark 8:34

Lord Jesus,

It’s not very popular in our selfie culture 

to deny ourselves. 

We’re pretty committed 

to self-fulfillment, 


and self-promotion. 

Only by your marvelous grace 

and mighty Spirit 

can we be transformed. 

We long to follow you 

as children play follow-the-leader, 

never losing sight of you, 

doing what you do

(even if we don’t understand why you do it), 

venturing into the unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

In this season of Lent, 

lead us to learn how to say no 

to all the things we think we need 

for life and happiness. 

In this season of Lent, 

remind us of the great good news of the gospel— 

“in Christ,” 

we are fully empowered 

to deny ourselves 

and to follow you 

in your mission of redeeming your people 

for the sake of God’s glory. 

What cause for rejoicing!

In your leading name. Amen.  

Read Mark 8:31-38.

A Prayer about Needing Salvation

A Prayer about Needing Salvation

Do not forsake me, O Lord! O my God, be not far from me! Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!

Psalm 38:21-22. 

Steadfastly-loving Lord,

We come to you again today, 

as we did yesterday, 

with David, mourning our own sin, 

seeing its ravaging effects 

on our hearts, souls, bodies, and minds. 

We waited for you, O Lord, 

and you answered us 

by sending your Son, 

our Savior (Psalm 38:15). 

We would be desperate 

if we did not know the hope we have in Jesus. 

Because he was forsaken on the cross, 

we will never be forsaken in our sin. 

We cry out to you with profound hope 

for forgiveness 

because you have already 

made haste to help us 

in Christ. 

Send us out to live and love 

in this great hope today and every day.

In Jesus’ forsaken name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 38.