A Prayer about Being Extraordinarily Ordinary

A Prayer about Being Extraordinarily Ordinary


What an amazing true story!

The leaders of the council were angry 

because Peter and John had healed a man. 

They told them to not “speak to anyone in Jesus’ name again” (Acts 4:17). 

But Peter and John boldly refused, 

“Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? 

We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19-20). 

In the end, the leaders let them go 

because they were afraid of starting a riot if they punished them (Acts 4:21-22).

May we become extraordinarily ordinary people: 

May we be bold as Peter and John,

May we be ordinary people 

who, though we have no special seminary training, 

are recognized as extraordinary 

for one reason only—because we have been with Jesus. 

In Jesus’ risen name. Amen. 

Read Acts 4:1-22.

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A Prayer about the Very Near Word

A Prayer about the Very Near Word

Oh Father,

What a promise you have given us in this lovely word from your Word.

Many of us are facing things that seem way too difficult—

finding a new job, having kids quarantined yet again, 

healing from illness or surgery, grieving the loss of loved ones, 

overcoming lifelong temptations.

You promise that your help is not out of our reach (Deuteronomy 30:11).

You have empowered us to live in your love, 

even in the most impossible circumstances,

through Jesus Christ, the Word who came near to us, 

who stretched his arms across the great divide 

between our sin and your holiness. 

May we draw near to you in your Word 

as you have drawn near to us, today and everyday.

In Jesus’ saving name. Amen. 

Read Deuteronomy 30:11-20.

A Prayer about Signs of Redemption

A Prayer about Signs of Redemption

Almighty and Everlasting God,

Who has ever seen a rainbow 

and not dropped their jaw in wonder at the gleaming glory, 

the bright beauty emerging from the dark clouds of storm? 

As we read this true story in Scripture about how sin had gotten so bad 

that you flooded the earth and took the lives 

of those who rebelled against your loving provision, 

our jaws should also drop. Because you didn’t stop there. 

You provided a way out, the ark for Noah and his family and all the creatures. 

You provided a way out for us, our Savior Jesus Christ, 

your glory bursting into the dark hearts of our sin. 

We thank you and praise you for your undeserved grace, 

for rainbow signs of redemption 

and for every other sign 

that you are conforming us 

to the likeness of your Son by your Holy Spirit. 

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen. 

Read Genesis 9:1-17.

A Prayer about Being Made in God’s Image

A Prayer about Being Made in God’s Image

God, our Almighty King,

I confess, I rarely take time to be in awe of 

how you chose to create humankind. 

You made us “in [your] image, after [your] likeness” (Genesis 1:26). 

In the Hebrew, the words used describe a “representative of the king.” 

Lord, may we live and breathe the breath you breathed into us, 

may we seek in every moment of our days, to represent you, 

to show the world your majesty, might, and mercy,

to humble ourselves in the way of Jesus, 

the ultimate servant-King. 

Conform us to the likeness of your Son (Romans 8:29),

day by day, moment by moment, 

that we may show the world your glory. 

This is the work you have given us to do. 

In Jesus’ transforming name. Amen. 

Read Genesis 1:26-28, Romans 8:28-30. 

A Prayer about the Word-Made-Flesh

A Prayer about the Word-Made-Flesh


We confess, we complain sometimes,

“I just wish I could have known Jesus personally.

I wish I were alive when he walked on the earth.”

Forgive our blindness and unbelief.

Open our eyes to see your kindness,

your nearness to us in your Word,

you who are the Word-made-flesh.

We are weak, strengthen us

to grasp the fullness of your grace:

your undeserved gift of forgiveness for our sins,

your unfailing mercies of protection from temptation,

your unflinching sympathy with us in suffering.

Jesus, draw us near this year to your Word,

help us soak in its solace and study its truth

that we may love you and love others.

In your glorious name. Amen.

Read John 1:1-18.

A Prayer about Being Still

A Prayer about Being Still

Highly exalted Jesus,

You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Forgive us forgetting that.

In the final days before Christmas,

many of us are hustling so hard

to finish up work or finish up celebration prep

that we forget what this week is all about.

Still us, we pray.

Help us to “cease striving,”

to remember that you are our highly exalted King,

who came to make peace

between a holy God and weary sinners.

to reconcile us to God by your life, death, and resurrection.

Give us pause to meditate on this peace-bringing truth.

In your ruling name. Amen.

Read Psalm 46.