A Prayer about What Is Trustworthy and True

A Prayer about What Is Trustworthy and True

Lord Jesus,

We do need to “Write this down, 

for these words are trustworthy and true” (Revelation 21:5).

Sadly, many people who say they know you 

teach and preach words that are not trustworthy and true. 

They tell people to “name it and claim it,” 

and they will be healed. 

As we read your trustworthy and true words, though, 

we see you make no such promises 

for healing to happen in our time in our way. 

What you do promise is that the day is coming 

when “the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations,” (Revelation 22:2),

when all broken things will be restored (Revelation 21:5). 

That day will come when you return, 

and we can’t wait. 

In that day, there will be full and forever healing 

unlike anything we’ve ever imagined. 

Help us to look to that day even in the worst days of this life.

In your redeeming and restoring name we ask. Amen. 

Read Revelation 21:1-5, 22:1-5. 

A Prayer about the Church’s Great Calling

A Prayer about the Church’s Great Calling

Compassionate Lord,

I’ll never forget the scene in the waiting room 

before our son’s first brain surgery. 

Because he worked at a church leading worship, 

and because he had friends who were pastors elsewhere, 

he had four pastors visiting with him and praying with him 

before he went back for surgery. 

Another patient’s wife came over and asked 

if one of the pastors would pray for her husband. 

I’ve never forgotten the feeling of a church bearing our burdens 

when we we were “fainthearted” and “weak.”

Today, we pray for all of the lonely souls 

in waiting rooms and living rooms and locker rooms

who do not know the care of a loving church. 

We pray that we, the church, 

would seek out the weak and fainthearted 

and offer to bear their burdens. 

We pray that they would receive our invitation. 

Thank you for calling us to be 

your ambassadors of hope. 

We pray that we would fulfill this profound calling

in the power of the Holy Spirit 

and by the grace of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. 


Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22; Galatians 6:2; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.

A Prayer about Rehearsing for Our Wedding Day

A Prayer about Rehearsing for Our Wedding Day

Lord Jesus

In this wedding season,

may every celebration 

of a man and woman being joined together 

lead us to dream of the day 

when we, your church, 

will become your ready bride, 

clothed “with fine linen, bright and pure” (Revelation 19:8). 

Today we may wrestle 

with the split of sin and the fracture of the fall, 

but the day is coming when, 

nourished and cherished by  you, 

our perfect bridegroom, 

we will be fully sanctified. 

Even today, by your gracious work in us, 

we are becoming more united 

in thought, word, and deed. 

Even today, by your gracious work in us, 

we are learning to delight fully 

in receiving your love 

and in sharing that love with others (Ephesians 5:25-27). 

As we gather for worship every week, 

may we remember that this is just a rehearsal—

one day we will join all of our fellow saints 

in a wildly wonderful wedding march. 

What a glorious day that will be!

In your cherished and cherishing name we pray. Amen. 

Read Revelation 19:6-9; Ephesians 5:25-33.

A Prayer about a Love like No Other

A Prayer about a Love like No Other

Ever-loving Father,

Wow us with this amazing news today! 

You have called us your children, 

and we really have become your children. 

Do we realize that this changes everything? 

Yes, it’s true, the world cannot understand 

why we spend half our Sundays at church worshiping you, 

because they can’t see that it’s a family reunion, 

that we are all gathered together as your children 

(and that we actually kind of get along even when we don’t) 

because you first loved us, 

and we want to tell you how much we love you (see 1 John 3:1; 4:19).

Even more amazingly, 

not only did you love us 

and adopt us as your children 

and give us an amazing inheritance, 

you are growing us up to be just like Jesus: 

“…but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, 

because we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).

Oh Lord, multiply our joy today with this good news!

Oh Lord, hasten the day when we see our Savior 

and become like him.

In Jesus’ transforming name. Amen. 

Read 1 John 3:1-2; 4:7-19.

A Prayer about the Gift of Church

A Prayer about the Gift of Church

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

You are the three-in-one God, 

one God, three distinct persons,

“the same in substance, 

equal in power and glory.” (Westminster Shorter Catechism) 

In your very being, 

you demonstrate the essentiality of community 

for the Christian. 

We were never meant to go it alone. 

You saved a people, not a person. 

After a long season of virtual church, 

it’s easy to forget how to gather 

and how important it is to gather with our church. 

As we can more safely do so, 

let us prioritize seeing one another in person, 

listening alongside our fellow believers 

to the preaching of your gospel, 

joining our voices together 

in prayers of confession and adoration and petition, 

and sharing communion as we remember your sacrifice for us.

In Jesus’ beloved name. Amen. 

Read Acts 2:42-47.

A Prayer about Remembering the Wonders

A Prayer about Remembering the Wonders

Mighty and Merciful God,

As we gather this Sunday, whether together or apart, 

may we remember your glorious deeds, 

may we remind one another of the wonders 

you have worked in this world and in our lives.

Today, let us each remember one story of grace you have written in our lives—

maybe the way you first broke through our darkness, 

maybe the way you saved our marriage, 

maybe the way you plucked us out of a chaotic situation…

As we remember these stories of grace, 

may we share them often, 

and may our sharing

grow us into a faithful people, 

people who trust you and hope in you 

and look for the day when Christ will return.

In Jesus’ wonder-full name.


Read Psalm 78:1-8.

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