A Prayer about Thanking God for Special People

A Prayer about Thanking God for Special People

On seeing them, Paul thanked God and took courage. Acts 28:15

Author God,

Since today is my husband’s birthday, 

and since people in Scripture 

often thank you for people you’ve blessed them with,

it seems fitting now 

to thank you for the people 

you have written into our stories:

Thank you for writing [my friend, my encourager, my supporter, my child, my boss…] 

into my story.

Thank you for the ways they have supported me…

[Name the ways this person has supported you].

Thank you for the ways they have helped me grow…

[Name the ways they helped you grow]

Thank you for the ways they have given me courage to do hard things…

[Name the ways they have given you courage…]

Thank you for the way they have comforted me when I was sad…

[Name the ways they have comforted you…]

Thank you for the ways they have cheered me on in exciting times…

[Name ways they have cheered you on…]

Thank you for —

[Name anything else you can think of.]

In the name of our most faithful friend, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Read Acts 28:15; Romans 1:8; 1 Corinthians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 3:9; Ephesians 1:16

Suggestion: Consider telling the person or people you prayed for what you prayed. It will encourage their hearts to know how God has worked in your life through theirs.

A Prayer about Radical Transformation

A Prayer about Radical Transformation

But Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison. Acts 8:3

Merciful God,

How good it is to read straight through the Bible 

because we return to radical redemption stories 

we might otherwise forget. 

This past week my reading took me back to this short paragraph 

about the persecution of the early church 

by a “Pharisee of Pharisees” 

who would soon become the apostle Paul, 

the man who wrote much of the New Testament. 

Show us through the true story of a man like Paul 

just how revolutionary the change in us, 

the change in others is, 

through the work of your Holy Spirit. 

A murderer becomes a missionary.

An addict becomes your adorer.

A grump becomes a gracious grandpa.

A sourpuss becomes a sweet servant.

Transforming Lord, 

give us a glimpse of what we might have become 

if we were not united with Christ 

so that we might have hope 

for those we might otherwise dismiss as hopeless. 

Show us the “Sauls” in our lives, 

that we may pray for them, 

that we may go to them, 

that they might have a life-changing encounter 

with Jesus. 

And while you’re at it, 

would you please give us a glimpse of the glory 

that awaits us 

when we see Jesus face to face 

and are truly made like him?

In Jesus’ transforming name. Amen.

Read Acts 8:1-3; Acts 9:1-31. 

A Prayer about Seeking Shalom in Places of Exile

A Prayer about Seeking Shalom in Places of Exile

But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Jeremiah 29:7

Redeeming God,

What a seemingly strange command. 

Your rebellious people 

have been exiled to Babylon, 

a pagan nation, 

and yet you instructed them 

to seek the welfare of the city, 

its shalom, its universal flourishing and wholeness.

In the same way, 

whether we live in a city or country 

we would never have chosen 

or an apartment with roommates we wished lived elsewhere 

or a neighborhood that has no people like us, 

you call us to seek the welfare 

of the places you have placed us. 

You work through us 

to bless every people 

with your peace and hope 

and beauty and truth, 

and one day your Holy City will move to us, 

and you will dwell with us, 

and we will know the future and the hope 

you have planned for us. 

Because of this truth, 

may we live and love today and every day

for the sake of our neighbors’ welfare.

In Jesus’ restoring name. Amen.

Read Jeremiah 29:4-14. 

A Prayer about Talking about Death and Dying

A Prayer about Talking about Death and Dying

The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 1 Corinthians 15:26

Gracious Father,

You know how deathly afraid we are of death. 

We ask for your grace and mercy 

to help us talk about death and dying, 

well before we have any inkling that we might die. 

We ask you to give us the words 

to talk about death and dying 

with friends and family members 

who are facing a terminal diagnosis. 

Help us to talk about things 

like advance directives, 

which help us to choose 

which aggressive medical measures 

we wish doctors to use 

when our bodies are shutting down 

and the hope for a cure is long past. 

Help us to educate ourselves 

on these medical measures like CPR 

which looks nothing in reality 

like it does on TV, 

or ventilators, 

which can prevent a dying person 

from uttering her last words to her loved ones. 

Help younger family members to not be frightened

when their parents want to discuss their wishes; 

help elder family members 

be willing to share their wishes 

with younger ones. 

Because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died 

and was raised from the dead 

that we might have forgiveness of sins 

and join him in eternal glory, 

give us the courage 

to prepare for glory 

by facing our mortality. 

In Jesus’ courageous name. Amen.

Read 1 Corinthians 15:26-28; Hebrews 2:8.

For help in having these conversations, check out my book, Preparing for Glory: Biblical Answers to 40 Questions about Living and Dying in Hope of Heaven. 

To listen to hospice worker and palliative care worker, Kelly Markham, LCSW, discuss these things, go here.

A Prayer about Missing People and Places at the Holidays

A Prayer about Missing People and Places at the Holidays

“My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God. Psalm 84:2

Gracious and Hospitable Lord,

As Thanksgiving comes around, 

our family misses my mom and her home. 

For many years, we visited her there, 

but her home now belongs to another; 

her new home is in heaven with you.

I know many face a similar sorrow. 

It will be their first holiday without their loved one. 

In a season when we may feel exiled from familiar places, 

draw our hearts to your ever-present 

and always abundant hospitality. 

You make homes for sparrows and nests for swallows (Psalm 84:3),

and you have invited us to be your sons and daughters. 

Even as we limp through the Valley of Weeping,

You make it a place of springs (Psalm 84:6), 

refreshing our hearts with your gentleness and joy.

When we tend to believe the lie that we are bereft, 

remind us that you are our “sun and shield,” 

bestowing “favor and honor,” 

assuring us, “No good thing 

do I withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11).  

In the name of your Son, 

who came to walk this earth with us 

that we might live in heaven with you. 


Read Psalm 84.

A Prayer about Praising Jesus

A Prayer about Praising Jesus

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls…Matthew 11:29

Gentle and Lowly Jesus,

To praise you 

is to name what is true about you every day, 

all the time, 

no matter how difficult 

our circumstances may be. 

You are compassionate and kind, 

even when a loved one is getting worse 

instead of better (Matthew 9:36),

You are gentle and forgiving, 

even when sin has gotten the best of us again (Luke 23:34),

You are patient and pain-bearing, 

even when hope for a baby has dimmed (1 Corinthians 13:4; 7),

You are the way, the truth, and the life, 

even when our hearts have wandered far off the path (John 14:6),

You are the bread of life, 

even when our budgets are shrinking (John 6:25-29),

You are the Good Shepherd, 

even when our children act like wayward sheep (John 10:11-14).

Precious Jesus, 

how we thank you for your 



always-loving heart 

for us. 

May we draw near to you 

every moment 

of every day 

for the saving help we need.

In your faith-full name. Amen.

Read Luke 23:34; 1 Corinthians 13; John 14:6; John 6:25-29; John 10:11-14.