
A Prayer about God’s Just Judgment

A Prayer about God’s Just Judgment

Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4

God our Judge,

Our culture is allergic to judgment, 

and yet, like the audience of Paul’s letter to the Romans, 

we’re a pretty “judgy” people. 

Open our ears to hear this Word 

that applies to us today: 

Therefore, every one of you who judges 

is without excuse. 

For when you judge another, 

you condemn yourself, 

since you, the judge, do the same things” (Romans 2:3). 

The bottom line is we are blinded by our own sin and self-righteousness, and we have no business judging others. 

Lord, humble us, 

help us to see your kindness—

not “niceness” but kindness, 

your forbearance—your restraint in not unleashing your wrath on evil, 

your patience—your willingness to wait for us to turn from our sins. 

And may that kindness lead to true repentance, 

turning away from our selves 

or anything else we look to for salvation, 

turning to the only one who can judge justly 

because he took the judgment for our sins, 

our Savior Jesus Christ.

In his forgiving name we pray. Amen. 

Read Romans 2:1-5.

A Prayer about the Silence of Adam

A Prayer about the Silence of Adam

…she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6

Heavenly Father,

Recently I’ve been reminded of how crucial it is 

that we read your Word carefully. 

Otherwise, we can fall prey to human teachings 

that only do harm. 

Long ago, some misguided theologians 

started the terrible teaching 

that the fall of humanity was all Eve’s fault. 

As we revisit the first three chapters of Genesis, 

we see your design for the first man and the first woman, 

for every marriage. 

Adam was called to name both beauty and sin (See Genesis 2:16-22). 

When the woman was formed from his flesh,

 he spoke the first poem in the Bible: 

“This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; 

she shall be called Woman, 

because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:23). 

We sometimes miss the fact 

that Adam was standing with Eve 

when Satan, disguised as the serpent, 

approached her. 

We often fail to consider what might have happened 

if Adam had spoken up. 

“No sir, we will not  eat of that tree, 

for it’s the only tree that God forbade us. 

Our God is so generous. 

Our God has given us everything we need.” 

Sadly, those words aren’t in the Bible. 

Either Adam was equally drawn in by the serpent’s words, 

or he just couldn’t find the courage to oppose him. 

So when Eve reached for the fruit, 

he said nothing.

When Eve turned to him as he stood “with her,” 

he ate. 

Oh, Lord, may it never be! 

May we work together as husband and wife, 

as men and women too, 

to know your Word, 

your profound goodness, 

your lavish generosity, 

your rich mercy, 

and may we remind one another 

when the other is tempted.

In Jesus’ forgiving name. Amen. 

Read Genesis 1-3. 

A Prayer about Praying for Children and Grandchildren

A Prayer about Praying for Children and Grandchildren

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Ephesians 6:18 


Heavenly Father,

I confess, as a parent, 

I so often forget 

the powerful tool 

of praying for my children. 

I remember when my kids were younger, 

I would often ask a friend just ahead of me 

if her child ever exhibited a certain behavior 

(biting, not eating her whole meal, talking back, etc.), 

and her answer became my go-to 

when younger moms asked me later, 

“Yes, my child did that, 

and I don’t remember what I did, 

but I know I prayed.” 

Father, today I pray 

for all of my parenting 

and grand parenting friends out there. 

As we feel the normal anxieties 

over our children and grandchildren, 

draw us by your Spirit to lay them all before you:

Worried about our granddaughter getting a job? 

Ask you to provide for her.

Worried about our baby sleeping through the night? 

Ask you to grant sleep and rest.

Worried about our son being overwhelmed as he enters high school? 

Ask you to guide and keep him. 

[Name some worries you have for your children and/or grandchildren. Ask the Lord for help.]

Thank you for the powerful peace 

that comes from entrusting our children 

and grandchildren to you. 

In Jesus’ comforting name. Amen.

Friends, if you have children or grandchildren or simply want to pray for children, be sure to check out my printable guide to creating prayer cards for children. Go here to get it: http://eepurl.com/b__teX.

A Prayer about Righteousness and Justice for the Oppressed

A Prayer about Righteousness and Justice for the Oppressed

The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. Psalm 103:6

Holy, Righteous, and Just Lord,

Even as yesterday we considered 

so many of your benefits and blessings, 

today we meditate on the awe-some news 

that you work your righteousness and justice 

for all who are oppressed (Psalm 103:6). 

I confess, when I think “oppressed,” 

I often think of the marginalized and weak, 

those who have experienced 

the demeaning of their dignity as image-bearers, 

those who suffer regular injustices against them. 

Those are the “oppressed,” 

but we must remember that we, 

your people, were “oppressed” 

before you sent your Son, our Savior, 

to free us from our sins:

You sent Jesus to set prisoners free, 

to open the eyes of the blind, 

to lift up those who are enslaved by sin (Psalm 146:8).

Because of your abundant mercy and lavish love, 

we are set free, and we are made righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). 

Now, as your new creation, 

you send us out as your ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:17-20),

to be instruments of your shalom: 

working toward 

“universal flourishing, 


and delight”* 

Today and every day, 

open our eyes to see those who are oppressed—

whether in bondage to sin 

or marginalized because of their skin color, 

whether broken by loneliness and grief, 

or by addiction to substances, 

whether stuck in a cycle of poverty 

or in a cyclone of mental illness…

And strengthen our hands and our hearts 

to work for their flourishing and wholeness.

In Jesus’ righteous name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 103:6-4; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Psalm 146:7-9.

*Cornelius Plantinga, Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin

A Prayer about All of the Lord’s Benefits

A Prayer about All of the Lord’s Benefits

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits…

Psalm 103:2


Saving Lord,

We confess, we have what some have called “gospel amnesia.” 

Heal our memories that we might recite your benefits, 

not just some of them, but ALL of them. 

To name a few…

Thank you for forgiving our sins (Psalm 103:3).

[Name some sins you are thankful God has forgiven you.]

Thank you for healing our diseases (Psalm 103:3). 

[Note: “diseases” may mean more spiritual than physical here. Name some diseases you are thankful God has healed.]

Thank you for redeeming our lives from the pit (Psalm 103:4).

[Name some pits God has rescued you from.]

Thank you for crowning us with your steadfast love and mercy (Psalm 103:4).

[Name some ways God has shown you steadfast love and mercy that you might show it to others.]

Thank you for satisfying us with your goodness (Psalm 103:5).

[Name some ways God has satisfied you with his goodness.]

Thank you for renewing our youth by giving us life everlasting (Psalm 103:5).

[Name some ways you are grateful for God’s renewal in your life.]

Thank you, merciful Lord, for all of your many benefits and blessings.

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 103:1-5.

A Prayer about Where We Find Our Security and Significance

A Prayer about Where We Find Our Security and Significance

For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. 

Psalm 62:1

Faithful God,

We confess, too many times, 

our souls wait noisily, 

and they’re waiting for whatever will bring us 

a greater sense of security and significance. 

May we recognize with David 

that you alone are worthy of our wait. 

You alone are our rock and our salvation, 

our fortress. 

When we secure ourselves in you alone, 

we will “not be greatly shaken” (Psalm 62:1-2).

When we look for security in the many good gifts 

you have graciously given us,

we will find that they are only 

“leaning walls” 

and “tottering fences.” 

Our ideal families aren’t always happy; 

Our fit bodies aren’t always healthy;

Our retirement accounts aren’t always hefty. 

And yet, strangely enough, 

you know when we turn to these things 

for a sense of security and significance, 

and although you may “discipline those you love” (Hebrews 12:6 ), 

you do love us, 

you do seek us out, 

you do draw us back to yourself, 

our only safe refuge. 

Indeed, Lord, we can trust in you at all times; 

we can vulnerably “pour out our heart before you” (Psalm 62:8), for

“Power belongs to you,” 

and you alone are “steadfastly loving” (Psalm 62:11). 

In Jesus’ safe and secure name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 62.