A Prayer about Making Loving Decisions
A Prayer about Making Loving Decisions
Loving God,
Many of us desperately need wisdom and clarity about tough decisions.
I love how this verse tells us to begin with your love.
Our love actually begins
with knowledge of your contra-conditional love for us.
As we grow in knowing that your love secures us,
we grow in general knowledge and depth of insight —
the wisdom and discernment we need
for our daily decisions.
It might look like this:
my friend is trying to make a decision
about where to send her daughter to kindergarten:
public school, Christian school, homeschool?
Instead of worrying and fretting,
she spends time thinking about how much you love her
and how much you love her daughter.
She then wisely entrusts her daughter’s story to you,
knowing that you will provide for her
in numerous ways.
With that peace of mind,
she can choose where to send her daughter
knowing that you will walk with her,
working in her life to make her and her mom
“pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness
that comes through Jesus Christ….”
In Jesus’ clarifying name. Amen.
Read Philippians 1:3-11.
Oh, Lord,
We do bless you!
Thank you for reminding us of all your benefits:
You forgive all our iniquity:
when we tell half-truths,
when we join in the coffee room gossip,
when we put our trust in things of this earth rather than you —
you forgive us!
You heal all our diseases—
when we tolerate toxins which destroy our hearts,
things like envy, comparison, unforgiveness, impatience—
you inject your antidote of grace, love, mercy, and compassion! (Psalm 103:3)
You redeem our lives from the pit—
when we have sunk farther than we ever thought we could go,
you extricate us from our mucky ruts! (Psalm 103:4).
Not only do you forgive and heal and redeem—
you crown us with steadfast love and mercy,
you satisfy us with good,
you renew our youth like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:4-5).
Lord, today may we truly rejoice in all of your benefits,
living and loving in the hope of your renewal.
In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen.
Read Psalm 103:1-5.