
A Prayer about the Lord’s Benefits

A Prayer about the Lord’s Benefits

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits…Psalm 103:2

Oh, Lord,

We do bless you! 

Thank you for reminding us of all your benefits:

You forgive all our iniquity: 

when we tell half-truths, 

when we join in the coffee room gossip, 

when we put our trust in things of this earth rather than you — 

you forgive us! 

You heal all our diseases—

when we tolerate toxins which destroy our hearts, 

things like envy, comparison, unforgiveness, impatience—

you inject your antidote of grace, love, mercy, and compassion! (Psalm 103:3)

You redeem our lives from the pit—

when we have sunk farther than we ever thought we could go, 

you extricate us from our mucky ruts! (Psalm 103:4).

Not only do you forgive and heal and redeem—

you crown us with steadfast love and mercy, 

you satisfy us with good, 

you renew our youth like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:4-5).

Lord, today may we truly rejoice in all of your benefits, 

living and loving in the hope of your renewal.

[Name some of the benefits you are rejoicing in today.]

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 103:1-5. 

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer for Those Longing for a Spouse

A Prayer for Those Longing for a Spouse

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

Romans 8:38-39

Loving God,

We do believe that nothing can separate us from your love; 

help our unbelief.

Today especially, I think of people who are lonely, 

especially those who long for a spouse.

Sometimes they feel unloved, left out, flawed even, 

because they have waited and prayed for years 

for their beloved on earth, 

but you have not yet granted their request. 

We know, Lord, that we all belong to you, 

that indeed “our Maker is our husband” (see Isaiah 54:5), 

but we plead for those who long for a spouse:

Overpower them with the knowledge 

of your compassionate love for them;

Be near to them in their sorrow and longing;

Energize them with your endurance 

when they feel they can wait no more;

Give them wisdom and patience 

about how and whom to date;

And, if it be your will, 

put that person in their lives even today

who will give them a foretaste of the perfect love 

we will all know one day 

when our bridegroom Jesus returns. 

In Jesus’ beloved name. Amen. 

Read Romans 8:38-39; Isaiah 54:1-8. 

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about the Helper We Need

A Prayer about the Helper We Need

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever. John 14:16 

Lord Jesus,

You gently but firmly assured your disciples 

that you would leave them a “Helper,” 

the Holy Spirit, 

when you left this earth. 

And yet, I confess,

I often forget or ignore the generous help of the Spirit. 

Among other things:

Your Holy Spirit offers the wisest counsel 

but never tries to fix us with trite advice (John 14:16).

Your Holy Spirit transforms our suffering 

for your glory and our good (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).

Your Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers 

for the building and blessing of your church (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

Your Holy Spirit prays for us, 

giving us the words to pray 

when our tongues are mute (Romans 8:26).

Open our eyes today, 

to see the Helper we have in the Spirit. 

Draw us to lean into this help, 

to know that we are never alone.

In your kind name. Amen. 

Read John 14:16, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11; Romans 8:26.

#Dailyprayer #devotional

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Ending Well

A Prayer about Ending Well

There was much weeping among them all; they embraced Paul and kissed him, grieving especially because of what he had said, that they would not see him again. Acts 20:36-37

Sending God,

It is the season of endings. 

Students are graduating 

from high schools, colleges, and grad schools; 

couples are getting married and altering the relationships 

they’ve had with their families. 

The truth is, most of us don’t like to say good-bye. 

We enjoy familiarity, and new things sometimes frighten us. 

Shape us by the good news of your sending gospel. 

Show us through Paul and the Ephesian elders 

how to end well.

Paul was honest with his beloved friends, 

“And so this is good-bye. 

You’re not going to see me again, 

nor I you, you whom I’ve gone among for so long 

proclaiming the good news of God’s inaugurated kingdom” (Acts 20:25-27, MSG). 

Paul can leave well because he knows 

he has done what God called him to do in Ephesus: 

“I’ve done my best for you, given you my all, 

held back nothing of God’s will for you” (Acts 20:27).

Even as he leaves, he charges them 

to live in the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. 

And then, in this tender scene on the beach, 

they say good-bye. 

They don’t pretend that they’re not going to miss each other—

they grieve. 

They weep. 

They hug and they kiss (Acts 20:36-38). 

And then the elders send Paul off.

Lord, you’ve shown us the way to do endings well. 

Give us the grace to do so in these coming days.

In Jesus’ tender name. Amen. 

Read Acts 20:17-38.

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Focusing on the One Necessary Thing

A Prayer about Focusing on the One Necessary Thing

But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.’

Luke 10:41-42

Lord Jesus,

You are the “one thing that is necessary.” 

You are the “good portion.” 

You rule the cosmos. 

You control all of the things 

we want to control 

but can’t. 

We confess, 

we’re not always comfortable sitting at your feet, 

listening to your truth and grace. 

We are “distracted with much serving” (Luke 10:40). 

Why do we busy about? 

Is it because we want to earn others’ approval? 

To earn your approval? 

Is it because we were raised to work hard? 

Is it because we’re addicted to distractions? 

Lord, turn our heads toward you—

“the one thing that is necessary.” 

Help us to choose the good portion—

to hear your teaching, 

to gaze on your beauty. 

And as we choose you 

over all the “many things,” 

may we find the rest you have promised 

to all who are weary and heavy-laden.

In your rest-giving name. Amen.

Read Luke 10:38-42. 

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker

A Prayer about Submitting to the Lord’s Plan for Our Lives

A Prayer about Submitting to the Lord’s Plan for Our Lives

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

All-Wise Lord,

Forgive us for thinking so highly of our own thoughts and plans.

We live in a culture that tells us to make a plan and work the plan, 

and success will follow. 

How we need to trust in your plan, 

even when it does not fit with our plan. 

You tell us to come to you for life and peace, 

to turn from the temptation to earn our way 

into your good graces. 

Indeed, there is no earning in your kingdom: 

“Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, 

and your labor for that which does not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:2).

Because of your abundant mercy, 

we turn from the temptation to trust our own plans…

for relationships,


children (young or grown), 

work and retirement, 



living situation, etc. 

Because of your eternal wisdom, 

we seek you and call upon you, 

believing that your way are higher than our ways, 

and your thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). 

Because you are the Lord and giver of life, 

we turn to your living Word 

to discover the hopeful plans 

you have made for us, 

fighting our unbelief 

to hope that this word will be true for us, 

our loved ones, our church, and your kingdom:

“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace…” (Isaiah 55:12).

In the name of your Word incarnate, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Read Isaiah 55. 

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

author, life and legacy coach, speaker