A Prayer about the One Who Is Trustworthy and True

A Prayer about the One Who Is Trustworthy and True

Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true. Revelation 21:5. 

Trustworthy and True Father,

We are distressed to learn 

that many of the leaders and institutions we have put our trust in, 

even spiritual ones, 

are not trustworthy and true. 

In fact, some cultural commentators say

there is an epidemic of mistrust in our world, 

and they may be right. 

How thankful we are 

that throughout Scripture, 

and especially in the wonderful vision of Revelation

about what really will happen one day “soon,” 

you emphasize how trustworthy and true you are. 

You are the God of truth, the God who never lies. 

You have sent your Son as our Savior, 

and he has proven himself 

to be perfectly trustworthy 

and perfectly loving. 

Unlike any of the fallible leaders in the world today, 

Jesus gave his life for us. 

Jesus made good on his promise 

to rise from the dead after three days. 

Jesus delivered on his pledge

to send a greater Helper, the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus ascended to heaven

and sits at your right hand this very minute, 

interceding for us (Romans 8:34).  

Your promise is trustworthy and true. 

Jesus is coming back. 

Jesus is restoring this broken world.

Jesus is making all things new. 

And one day we really will dwell in shalom forever. 

In Jesus’ faithful and true name. Amen.

Read Revelation 21:5; 22:6; 3:14; 19:11.

A Prayer about God’s Promise of Peace

A Prayer about God’s Promise of Peace

Promise-keeping Father,

In this world so set on strife, 

what a profound promise this is:

Even where there is utter chaos on this earth, 

your steadfast love shall never leave us, 

your “covenant of peace shall not be removed” (Isaiah 54:10).

We don’t use the word covenant 

often in our everyday conversations, 

but we should use it more 

when we think about you. 

Your covenant is 






and undeserved 


to love us and deliver us 

from our worst selves, 

to give us peace with you 

and peace with one another. 

Why would you make such a covenant with us? 

The Bible is clear—

it’s not because we were so numerous 

or powerful 

or special—

it’s because of 

your steadfast love 

and your compassion. 

We thank you 

for keeping your promises to us. 

May we joyfully serve you 

in gratitude for your grace.

In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read Isaiah 54:8-10; Deuteronomy 7:6-11.

A Prayer for Days When You Feel Pummeled

A Prayer for Days When You Feel Pummeled

Lord of Angel Armies,

On days when we feel beaten, 

Whether by rough bosses 

or by betraying friends 

or by battles for health, 

remind us of two things:

First, there is a cosmic battle raging. 

The devil, 

no red-suited, 


cartoon figure, 

but an actual spiritual force, 

“schemes” against us (Ephesians 6:11). 

He seeks to dissolve our faith, 

devour our hope, 

and destroy our love. 

He is real, 

and his spiritual force is real. 

Second, you are far more real, 

far more powerful. 

Not only have you sent Jesus as a human 

to fight our battles with sin and Satan on the cross, 

you have “disarmed the rulers and authorities” (Colossians 2:15) 

through his death and resurrection. 

Not only have you disarmed the evil one, 

in Christ, you have armed us 

with the weapons of loving warfare: 

truth, righteousness in Christ, good news, 

peace, faith, salvation, 

your Spirit, your Word, 

prayer, and perseverance (Ephesians 6:14-18). 

In this hope may we go forth 

to battle against the cosmic powers of darkness, 

declaring boldly the “mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:20). 

In Jesus’ victorious name. Amen. 

Read Ephesians 6:1-20.

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A Prayer about the One Thing We Need

A Prayer about the One Thing We Need

Lord Jesus,

Bread of life; manna from heaven,

Forgive us when we are like the grumbling people in this story, 

people who have just been fed a filling feast 

you produced out of two fish and five loaves

and who now clamor for more miracles. 

Open our eyes to see that you are the miracle, 

you are the one thing we need. 

We don’t need tricks and magic shows, 

we need the miracle of redemption, 

a Savior sent from heaven to feed us 

the food that fully satisfies, 

to fill us with the living water that quenches our thirst. 

May we see that you are real, 

that while we can’t physically eat you like a piece of bread, 

we can fully partake of you, 

moment by moment, 

through your Word, by your Spirit. 

Help us to see that when we fully take you in, 

you satisfy our deepest longings—

for love, for peace, 

for hope, for trust, 

for forgiveness, for healing. 

In your very real name. Amen. 

Read John 6:22-71.

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A Prayer about the God Who Came Not to Condemn

A Prayer about the God Who Came Not to Condemn

Heavenly Father,

In these early days after Christmas, 

may we not immerse ourselves in the whirl of the world 

so fully that we lose our wonder 

at the profoundly good news of the incarnation: 

From the beginning, 

even when his fingers were tiny 

and his sounds were infant coos, 

Jesus was born for one purpose: 

that we, that the whole cosmos, might be “born again” (John 3:3). 

“How shall that be,” the Jewish leader, Nicodemus, 


Jesus explains in some of the better known words of the Word: 

“For God so loved the world, 

that he gave his only begotten Son,

that whoever believes in him 

should not perish 

but should have eternal life” (John 3:16). 

This is the true gift of Christmas, 

but it gets even better. 

For all who have suffered the voices of contempt and condemnation, 

who have hung their heads in shame, 

you give more hope, 

“For God did not send his Son 

into the world to condemn the world, 

but to save the world through him” (John 3:17). 

Oh, gracious and merciful Father, 

what good news this is! 

May we live and love out of it today and every day.

In Jesus’ saving name. Amen.

Read John 3:1-21. 

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A Prayer about Getting Dressed for the Week

A Prayer about Getting Dressed for the Week

Righteous Lord,

Every day we should consider 

how we dress for action, but as we start the week,

it’s especially helpful to remember our calling 

as Christ our King’s ambassadors, 

as ministers of reconciliation, 

and dress accordingly (2 Corinthians 5:19-20).

Keeping in mind that we are already 

clothed in Christ’s righteousness, 

may we discard any vestiges 

of “bitterness, rage, anger, 

harsh words, slander, and evil behavior” (Ephesians 4:31).

Instead, may we “be kind to each other, 

tender hearted, forgiving one another, 

just as God through Christ” forgave us (Ephesians 4:32).

As we make your appeal, may we make you appealing 

to all those who do not know your mercy and grace. 

By your Spirit, remind us moment by moment 

of our glorious calling and clothing in Christ.

In his transforming name. Amen. 

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.