A Prayer about Suffering with the Savior

A Prayer about Suffering with the Savior

Comforting Father,

As this year draws to a close,

I know many who, like me, 

look forward to a new year, 

hoping that it will soften the harsh edges 

of last year’s grief, looking forward to new joys. 

May it be so. 

And yet, as we consider the words of Simeon 

to Mary and Joseph, 

we see that the call of a Christian 

is to know the abiding joy of our salvation 

even as we suffer piercing swords in our souls. 

Jesus was born to die. 

We are called to be reborn to die—

to our consuming agendas, 

to our self-salvation strategies, 

to our demand for certainty and control. 

Like Mary and Joseph, 

we are always richly blessed 

by our Savior. 

Like Mary and Joseph, 

we will at times endure piercing pain 

as we follow our Savior.  

May we embrace our calling 

with hearts of hope, 

knowing that our Savior 

“endured the cross” 

“for the joy set before him,” 

the joy of making us your beloved children. 

In the name of our Suffering Savior, Jesus, 

we pray. Amen.

Read Luke 2:33-35. 

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A Prayer about Jesus’ Tears

A Prayer about Jesus’ Tears

Generous Father,

Even though the day most people exchange gifts 

has come and gone,

 or maybe especially because that day 

has come and gone, it’s a good time 

to contemplate this baby in the manger. 

Many of us love the Christmas lullaby 

“Away in a Manger,” 

but I do think the authors got one thing wrong: 

“The little Lord Jesus, 

no crying he makes….” 

That can’t be right.

Babies cry. 

They express their need for food, 

clean diapers, 

and sleep 

by crying. 

Jesus was fully human, 

and he likely cried when he was a baby, 

especially if cows were mooing in his ear. 

Heavenly Father, may we never forget Jesus’ true humanity, 

but also may we believe in his deep sympathy, 

his passion for and with us. 

Not only did he cry as a baby, 

he wept as a man 

over his friend Lazarus’ death. 

He came to reverse the curse of sin 

by submitting to death on a cross. 

He sweated blood  

as he agonized in the garden 

over his impending death. 

Yes, Lord, Jesus wept. 

May we affirm the cries of the baby Jesus 

and may we trace the tears of our Savior. 

In his sacrificial name we pray. Amen. 

Read John 11:28-44; Luke 22:39-46.

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Do you need help finding rest in Christmas?

Four-part devotional series designed to help you…Slow down. Let go…of the frenzy, worry, rush…
Hear the story of the wonders God has done—in the lives of people who also struggle with fear, anxiety and loss of hope.


Day 1: Devotional

Day 2: Reflection Questions

Day 3: Story Starters

Day 4: Prayer

Day 5: Music

A Prayer about Feeling Lonely during the Holidays

A Prayer about Feeling Lonely during the Holidays

Very-Near Lord,

There’s nothing like the holidays 

to make those who are grieving 

feel a little lonely and forsaken. 

People may be mingling in our home, 

and yet we feel more deserted 

than a mall on Christmas morning. 

Or, we may be truly alone,

 because we can’t summon the energy 

to make small talk at Friendsgiving. 

In such seasons, 

may we know your nearness and commitment 

to never leave us nor forsake us. 

May we remember that there was One 

who knew a loneliness even deeper than ours 

when he submitted to dying for our sins 

that we might be reunited with our Heavenly Father. 

In our season of feeling lonely and forsaken, 

may we lean hard into the covenantal kindness 

of the Son through your Spirit, 

our constant companion in grief and sorrow. 

In Jesus’ forsaken name. Amen.

Read Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 54. 

Want to read more about thanking God while we live in the “already” and “not yet”? I’ve begun two new newsletters on Substack, one on living in hope in the already and not yet, and the other on aging, caregiving, and the end of life. Please check them both out!

A Prayer for When Someone Harms Us

A Prayer for When Someone Harms Us

Father God,

It’s hard to know how to react when someone 

deliberately harms, betrays, or abuses us. 

Thank you for reminding us 

through the story of Joseph, 

whose story foreshadows 

the true story of our Savior,

that even brutal betrayal by loved ones 

can be redeemed for your good purposes. 

Help us to bring all of our tears and pain to you, 

because you care about them. 

Help us to trace your redemption 

through the harm we have suffered. 

And help us to pray for those who persecute us, 

that they might bow before you 

and know full and freeing forgiveness. 

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen.

Read Genesis 50:20; Psalm 109:21-31. 

A Prayer about Light in Dark Days

A Prayer about Light in Dark Days

Son of Righteousness, 

In these dark and distressing days, 

many are feeling the  “gloom of anguish”—

grief over lost loved ones; 

sorrow over meanness and division, 

weariness over work frustrations…

In this stark dark season, 

we embrace the good news

 Isaiah gave people long long ago. 

Isaiah promised a brilliant light 

would shine into the darkness 

of the Israelites’ captivity.

We have seen this light, 

the “life that was the light of men” (John 1:4), 

You are the “light that darkness cannot overcome” (John 1:5). 

You make our burdens light 

by shouldering our sin 

and throwing off our oppressors (Isaiah 9:4). 

You instill peace in our hearts 

by burning the weapons of war 

and restoring order to chaos and confusion (Isaiah 9:5). 

You shine glory into the cosmos 

from your everlasting crown 

which rules over nations 

and draws multitudes to bow before you (Isaiah 9:3,7). 

Sun of Righteousness, 

draw our eyes to the horizon of hope, 

that we may see you rising 

with healing in your wings (Malachi 4:2). 

In your light and life-giving name. Amen. 

Read Isaiah 9:1-7; John 1:1-18. 

A Prayer for When We’re Overburdened

A Prayer for When We’re Overburdened

God of All Comfort,

Thank you! 

You know we are plagued

by weakness and weariness.

You know our world demands

that we be strong, independent, 

powerful, competent. 

You know some Christians boast, 

“I can do all things through Christ 

who strengthens me,” (Philippians 4:13), 

but we feel inadequate. 

Thank you for Paul’s honesty about his weakness 

in the face of “deadly peril,” 

“a thorn in the flesh,” 

and countless other threats. 

Lord, for those of us who “despair of life itself,” 

may our weakness drive us straight into your strength. 

May our weakness teach us 

to “rely not on ourselves but the God who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9). 

When we feel overburdened,

whether from a shipwreck of relationship,

the shadow of sickness

or the shouting accusation of failure,

may we remember 

that you have you have already delivered us 

from the “deadly peril” of sin and death, 

and that you will continue to deliver us,

until the day you return. 

In your trustworthy name. Amen.

Read 2 Corinthians 1:8-11; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10.