A Prayer about Encouragement for the Faint-Hearted

A Prayer about Encouragement for the Faint-Hearted

Encourage the fainthearted, and help the weak… 1 Thessalonians 5:14

Heavenly Father,

At times, our burdens become so great 

that we struggle 

to pray, 

to believe, 

to hope. 

At such times, 

we thank you for the church, 

the community of believers 

called to bear our burdens with us (Galatians 6:2). 

I remember when my kids were small 

and we had to walk a long way, 

my husband would sometimes lift them on his shoulders to give their weary legs a rest. 

From high above, 

they gained new perspective 

and a much-needed rest. 

In the same way, 

as we “encourage the fainthearted and help the weak,” may we give them 

the rest they desperately need. 

May we believe for them 

when they are struggling with doubt. 

May we hope for them 

when they are weary of waiting for redemption. 

May we endure hardship with them 

as they suffer. 

Lord, if we are the ones 

needing a rest, 

may we reach out for it 

and receive it. 

Lord, if we are the ones called and strengthened 

to give that rest, 

lead us to your weary ones who need it.

In Jesus’ burden-bearing name. Amen.

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14; 1 Corinthians 13:7; Galatians 6:2. 

A Prayer about Our Hope in Broken Stories

A Prayer about Our Hope in Broken Stories

They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations. Isaiah 61:4

Restoring God,

Today we lift up all who are in the middle of a story 

that feels like it has been torn up and tossed in the trash. 

The woman who has had three miscarriages in the past two years,

The child who just heard of her parent’s divorce,

The man who has received a cancer diagnosis, 

The people who experience marginalization 

because of their skin color or nationality…

The list goes on and on and on. 

Help us to look for what we really need to see 

in the midst of such stories: 

your restoring work that is happening even today 

and will be completed when Jesus returns.

Here is just some of the good news Jesus speaks to us through Isaiah: 

Instead of streaks of tears sullying your face, 

your face will shine with the oil of gladness

 and the hope of restoration (Isaiah 61:3).

No longer shriveled by sin and sadness, 

you will stand strong, 

planted firmly in the Lord’s steadfast love, 

like a mighty oak waving its leaf-laden branches 

in praise of the Lord’s glory (Isaiah 61:3).

The ruins of your life will be rebuilt, 

losses to the evil one will be restored, 

relationships ravaged by sin will be revived (Isaiah 61:4).

Help us to meditate on this future 

which you are writing into our broken stories even today.

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 61:1-11.

A Prayer about What to do When We’re Afraid

A Prayer about What to do When We’re Afraid

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3

Faithful Lord,

Thank you for your compassion for our fearfulness.

Today, we bring our fears to you:

When we are afraid that we will fail 

at work, at school, as caregivers 

[name any failures you fear], 

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid that we have made the wrong decisions 

for our children, 

for our loved ones, 

about our work,

[name any wrong decisions you fear], 

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid that our health 

or the health of a loved one will not improve 

[name any health fears you have], 

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid that we will lose our job 

or won’t find one soon 

[name any fears about provision you have], 

we put our trust in you.

Father, you know all of our fears, 

and you invite us to bring them to you.

As we do so, calm our hearts and minds 

in the hope of your kind provision. 

In Jesus’ trustworthy name. Amen.

Read Psalm 56:1-13.

A Prayer about Bearing One Another’s Burdens

A Prayer about Bearing One Another’s Burdens

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Merciful God,

How exquisitely you have designed your church, 

the body of Christ. 

You have called us to share our weakness 

with you and with one another, 

and you tell us that in that weakness 

we find our greatest strength

—strength in dependence on Christ, 

strength in dependence on one another (2 Corinthians 12:8-10). 

Today, I pray especially for those in our body who are weak—

the bereft grieving the loss of a loved one, 

the caregiver serving a loved one through many hard days, 

the sick and frail struggling with illness, whether physical or mental….

[Name some weak people you would like to pray for….]

May we truly lift them up, not only in prayer but in service, by bearing their burdens—listening without trying to fix, bringing meals or mowing lawns, forgiving their irritability…

[Name some ways you might bear the burdens of someone who is weak….]

We pray too, that you would empower the weak 

with the humility and grace required 

to receive the loving care of the body of Christ. 

In Jesus’ burden-bearing name. Amen. 

Read Galatians 6:1-10.

A Prayer about How Long Grief Lasts

A Prayer about How Long Grief Lasts

How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?  Psalm 13:2

O Lord,

How long indeed?

It’s been just over two weeks 

since the tragic shooting at a school in Nashville. 

The news cycle has moved on. 

Most people have moved on. 

But those who lost loved ones that day haven’t,

and they won’t, 

not for a long time. 

Dark images are engraved in their mind’s eye; 

tears at such sudden, shocking loss 

of so many precious lives, 

burst forth without warning.

And there are others 

who lost loved ones that week, 

but no one seemed to notice their loss. 

Their loved one died a “normal death,” 

cut down by cancer, 

destroyed by disease,

succumbing to old age.

Oh Lord, how long indeed? 

How long will we wait for the day 

of no more death, 

for indeed there is no such thing 

as a “normal” death. 

How long will it seem that our enemy, 

death and evil, 

is exalted over us?

We are tired. 

We are weary. 

We don’t think we can endure another day.

Will you come, even now, 

Lord Jesus,

So near to the brokenhearted?

Will you revive us again?

We long, like David, 

who sang Psalm 13, 

to sing out in hope, 

even in the midst of our grief, 

to utter the words 

which we do believe are true:

“But I have trusted in your steadfast love;

    my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

I will sing to the Lord,

    because he has dealt bountifully with me” (Psalm 13:5-6).

Give us voice to your goodness

even as we continue to grieve.

In Jesus’ hope-full name. 


Read Psalm 13

A Prayer about Surrendering Control as We Age

A Prayer about Surrendering Control as We Age

And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’ Luke 1:38

Eternal Lord,

Mary was a young woman when she spoke these words. 

What wisdom and faith she had, 

even though she was “troubled” at the news 

that she would give birth to your Son. 

May we learn from her at an early age 

to surrender control of our lives to you 

so that when we move into our later years 

we are more accepting of the loss of control 

we experience.

Many of us pride ourselves on our independence, 

on not needing anyone or anything. 

And then we notice that we can’t see as well at night 

and now we can’t drive ourselves to Wednesday night church. 

Some of us have been told by our adult children, 

the very children whose diapers we changed, 

that it’s not safe for us to live in our own houses anymore. 

Lord, it is hard! 

We need your wisdom; 

we need your mercy; 

we need your grace. 

In our own strength, 

we can’t face the losses of independence 

aging requires of us. 

Only by your Spirit, 

only in the power of our Savior’s blood, 

shed for us in his weakness on the cross, 

can we accept these limitations and losses. 

Help us dear Lord, 

and shape us more and more 

into the image of your Son 

as we get closer to meeting you in glory. 

In Jesus’ surrendering name. Amen.

Read Luke 1:26-38; 2 Corinthians 12:9-11.