From Recovery to Restoration cover

Now Available

By Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

From Recovery to Restoration

60 Meditations for Finding Peace and Hope inCrisis

Discover your surpassing peace and surest hope in crisis in sixty gospel-centered meditations.

Natural disaster or relational disaster, broken body or broken marriage, job loss or loss of a loved one….Crisis thrusts us into a season of healing and recovery. The journey of recovery can arouse many emotions: shock, fear, anxiety, doubt, agony, anger. Into this place of strife and sorrow, Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage gives compelling reasons to hope: God has written a story that takes us from recovery to full restoration.

Learn how suffering can grow your faith, hope, and love.

Enjoy resources that help in recovery: Scripture, prayer, music, journaling questions.

If you long to know the restoration hope that awaits beyond recovery, you need this book.

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Author, Gospel Coach, Speaker

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage

Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage knows the journey of crisis and recovery. She’s traversed the hard road of recovery from numerous major surgeries, recovery from sexual abuse, recovery from hurricanes; she’s walked alongside others after divorce, death, and other life-changing events. She seeks to come alongside as an empathetic friend to those who have survived crisis and heartache, pointing them to their full and final restoration hope.

Elizabeth, author, speaker, and story coach, is the founder of Living Story ministries. She is passionate about helping people learn, live, and love in God’s story of grace. The author of the bestselling The Waiting Room: 60 Meditations for Finding Peace & Hope in a Health Crisis, she is a popular conference and retreat speaker. Elizabeth is married to orthopedic surgeon, Kip Turnage, and they have four adult children plus three added by marriage. They are also the devoted “parents” of their personal therapy dog, “Rosie.”

Praise for From Recovery to Restoration

What we do with our pain? Where do we go for peace? To whom or what do we look for hope? Who do we allow to narrate our stories? These are the questions Elizabeth invites us to ponder in these sixty meditations. Jesus never promised us a storm-free life. But he has promised us we’ll never experience a Christ-absent day. Elizabeth has found Jesus in the storms of life. She invites us to know his pursuit and presence.

Scotty Smith

Pastor Emeritus, Christ Community Church, Franklin, TN , Teacher in Residence, West End Community Church, Nashville, TN

To recover is to return to normal. But what is normal? Because our lives are bruised and broken by the Fall we know deep down, that is an unrealistic target. Elizabeth Turnage yet again invites fellow sufferers to be nourished daily by doses of life-giving gospel truths. She encourages her readers to set their sights beyond a temporal cure or easy solution—Christ-likeness.

Karen Hodge

Coordinator of Women's Ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) , Author of Transformed: Life-Taker to Life-Giver, and Life-Giving Leadership

What are you recovering from? A life-threatening illness or injury? The loss of a loved one? A financial setback? Abandonment? Life seems out of control? Uncertainty reigns?

Elizabeth Turnage’s book From Recovery to Restoration was written for such a time as this. Sharing from her personal experiences of pain and loss, Elizabeth writes vulnerably and with vivid word pictures.  In this 60-day devotional, covering myriad causes of trauma, you will journey through Scripture for encouragement and hope, connecting with the likes of King David in a dark valley, assured that the Good Shepherd was always with him. Each chapter guides you to personal prayer and reflection. Recovery is possible and restoration becomes reality.

Judy Douglass

Writer, Speaker, Encourager, Author of When You Love a Prodigal, Office of the President: CRU

In each of these meditations, Elizabeth tenderly reminds us that we are not victims in our pain or difficult circumstances. She gently reminds us that God is present with us in the hard spaces of our lives, and his presence gives us great hope. Each meditation lifts our eyes to see beyond our present reality to a future glory. What a wonderful resource for anyone who longs for restoration!

Abby Hutto

Director of Spiritual Formation, Story Presbyterian Church, Author, God for Us: Discovering the Heart of the Father through the Life of the Son

Trauma fragments our ability to think and make good choices. Far too often, we try to overcome the fragmentation by long winded words that only burden us with tasks that we can no more carry than run with a broken leg. What I need, and Elizabeth Turnage offers with brilliant simplicity and wisdom, is perspective that cuts to the chase and grounds me in what I know to be true. This life-giving devotional will offer you hope without denying the depths of the struggle.  It will free your heart to be with Jesus. 
Dan and Becky Allender

Founders of the Allender Center for Trauma and Abuse , Founding President of the Seattle School for Theology and Psychology

When the storms of life crash into our lives, the devastation left behind is often overwhelming. Recovery and healing is slow and arduous. Elizabeth Turnage’s devotional is for all those laboring toward recovery. From Recovery to Restoration is a hope-filled, gospel-laced, and Christ-exalting book which invites us into God’s story of redemption and helps us see how he is at work to redeem and restore all things, even the aftermath of our personal losses, heartaches, and trials.

Christina Fox

Writer, Counselor, Speaker, Author of A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope through the Psalms of Lament

Leading a mission agency, you see first-hand what it looks like for things to break down and fall apart. From personal losses, to physical danger, to the heartbreaking grief of ministry in a broken world, every cross-cultural worker faces hardship and crisis as a normal part of their calling. In honest, direct language, From Recovery to Restoration helps all who are suffering loss recalibrate their hearts and refocus their eyes on Jesus, who is our only true source of hope.  The gospel not only gives us the freedom to name our need, our brokenness and our suffering–it also leads us back to the One who is making all things new, including our hearts. I’m profoundly grateful for the way Elizabeth Turnage models that journey for us.

Bob Osborne

Executive Director, Serge

It’s always inspiring to see women like Elizabeth not only survive adversity but find purpose and promise along the way. Her light shines brightly in her newest book that is full of thoughtful meditations and profound invitations that encourage us to encounter Jesus and keep the faith despite our pain.

Danielle Ripley-Burgess

Two-Time Colon Cancer Survivor and Author of Blush: How I Barely Survived 17

Whether it be in the midst of physical pain, addiction, abandonment, abuse, or habitual sin, Elizabeth will redirect your gaze over and over through scripture to meditate not on the gaping hole of your loss, but on the relentless pursuit of Jesus’s love. From Recovery to Restoration is full of encouragement, practical steps, and reminders of the truth of God’s faithfulness where trauma and tragedy have dominated. If pain has seemingly stolen some or all of your hope in the gospel, this is the book for you. 
Hope Blanton and Christine Gordon

Authors, At His Feet Studies

Having personally known real crisis, both surviving Hurricane Katrina and Stage four colon cancer, I found that Elizabeth Turnage’s thoughtful book perfectly captures the landscape of loss after devastating personal events, as she guides the reader through these difficult times to courage, peace, hope and the eventual restoration of all things. 
Jamie Aten

Executive Director, Humanitarian Disaster Institute, Author of A Walking Disaster

After the death of our son Mark, I would have soaked in Elizabeth Turnage’s book, From Recovery to Restoration. Elizabeth comes alongside broken people as a dear friend would, whispering in our ears, “This is the way, walk in it.” Scripture that not only comforts but instructs a wounded person fills the pages and helps hurting people move from the waiting room to recovery and finally to restoration. Invite Elizabeth to walk with you in your journey toward restoration..

Sharon Betters

Director of Resource Development, MarkInc Ministries

With rich theological insight and refreshing transparency, Elizabeth Turnage helps us understand our lives as part of God’s story of redemption and renewal. Day by day, the reader is invited into the unfolding mystery of God’s providence and encouraged to remember that the God who laughs and sings is also the God who suffered and died to make us whole again. This book is a gift to the church.

Joel Treick

Senior Pastor, Pinewoods Presbyterian Church

Recovery rooms bring us face to face with the brokenness, hurt and difficulty of our present life. Knocking us off our planned course, those sterile rooms can be some of the hardest places to remember our source of hope. I encourage you to invite Elizabeth to sit with you there. She does not give simplified answers, but instead points us to Jesus the One who has the words of eternal life. “Where else can we go?” (John 6:68). As one who has been there before, she engages the questions deeply and searches the Scriptures with as much intensity and clarity, making her a comforting companion for those longing for such fellowship.

Meaghan May

Regional Advisor of Women's Ministries Northeast, Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

Enjoy music listed in From Recovery to Restoration on Elizabeth’s YouTube channel.

Enjoy music listed in From Recovery to Restoration on Elizabeth’s YouTube channel.

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A Prayer about Thanking God for Unanswered Prayers

A Prayer about Thanking God for Unanswered Prayers

What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead of a fish? Luke 11:10 Good Father,  I’ve been thinking a lot about prayers I prayed  that you didn’t answer the way I wanted  or prayers that you answered  with those two hard words, “not...

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A Prayer about Trustworthy and True Promises

And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Revelation 21:5 Lord Jesus, We do need to “Write this down,  for these words are trustworthy and true” (Revelation 21:5). Sadly, many people who say they know you  teach and preach words...

A Prayer about the Coming of God’s Kingdom

A Prayer about the Coming of God’s Kingdom

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 Heavenly Father, Forgive us for ever mumbling this prayer by rote,  not really thinking about what we are asking for. The fact is, this is a radical prayer.  It is a prayer you invite us...

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