A Prayer about Seeing Our Salvation

Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation…Luke 2:29

Merciful God,

As we revisit this scene between Simeon 

and the eight-day-old Jesus, 

we pray you would write in us stories like Simeon’s:

Filled with the Holy Spirit…

Made righteous by Christ…

Waiting for your consolation…

Watching for our Savior…

Seeing him as our one and only salvation…

Illuminating his glory to all the peoples…

Believing that he alone makes us ready to die in peace.

Knowing our Savior has come, 

may we wait with confident hope 

for the day he will come again 

and restore us to himself. 

In Jesus’ saving name,


Read Luke 2:25-32. 

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