A Prayer about How to Glorify God

And they shall sing of the ways of the Lord, for great is the glory of the Lord. Psalm 138:5

Glorious God,

We join David today in singing of your glorious ways — 

even though you are everlasting and ever-loving, 

all-wise and all-powerful, 

you “regard the lowly” (Psalm 138:6). 

Though you are above all and rule over all, 

you “preserve [our] lives” 

when we “walk in the midst of trouble.” 

In this is your glory, 

that despite your greatness, 

you stoop down to care for us. 

Pastor and Author Dane Ortlund 

exhorts us to a way of glorifying you 

that we might not have considered: 

“Do you want to glorify God?….

Let him love you. 

Receive his grace, 

drink it down, 

without adding one drop 

of your goodness to it.”* 

Oh glorious God, 

may we indeed reconsider 

how to glorify you, 

how to humbly receive 

what you in your greatness and goodness 

have given us. 

Help us this day to live lives 

“to the praise of your glorious grace” (Ephesians 1:6). 

In Jesus’ immanent name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 138.

*Note from Dane C. Ortlund’s book, In the Lord I Take Refuge: 150 Daily Devotions through the Psalms.

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