A Prayer about How to Not Grumble

Do all things without grumbling or arguing, that you may be blameless and pure…Philippians 2:14

Generous Father,

A few days ago, 

I noticed a lot of grumbling and arguing 

swimming around in my soul. 

The driver of the twenty-year-old land yacht 

changed lanes without warning, 

the rain soaked my shoes, 

and my roasted chicken refused to be done. 

In such days, 

draw my heart to the 



unrelenting love of Jesus.

Did Jesus ever say to you and the Spirit, 

“Why do I have to be the one to die for these unworthy sinners?” 

No. He did not.

Even though he was “in the form of God, 

he did not consider equality with God 

a thing to be grasped, 

emptying himself, becoming a servant…” 

He went all the way to the cross, 

and as I read the story, 

I don’t hear him grumbling once. 

He lamented in the garden, yes. But he did not argue. 

The truly astonishing thing is that 

we can “have the same mind of Christ” 

when we trust in him, 

because we are in him, 

and he is in us. 

Not only that, 

when we do things without grumbling or arguing, 

we are living into the blamelessness and innocence 

we received through Christ. 

Not only that, when we do things 

without grumbling or arguing, 

we “shine as lights in the world” 

“in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation” — 

we are little lighthouses 

pointing the way in the darkness to Jesus, 

“the light of all mankind.”

What a story! What a Savior! 

By your Spirit, 

may praise and singing and encouragement 

and kindness slip easily from our tongues today!

In Jesus’ uncomplaining name. Amen. 

Read Philippians 2:1-18.

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