A Prayer about Numbering Our Days

Eternal and Merciful God,

We believe; help our unbelief.

We believe that Jesus has risen from the dead; 

we believe that he has defeated death. 

We even believe that you are conforming us 

to the image of Christ through the indignities

 of aging and dying. 

But we also live in a world that disbelieves. 

Our world tells us that wrinkles should be fought,

and weakness should be hidden.

Our world tells us we have every right and means 

to maintain our health and vigor forever. 

Our world lies to us, 

but we have often bought the lie.

Open our eyes to see your mercy, grace, and compassion 

for the aging and dying. 

Help us to prepare well and grieve well 

even as we embrace the hope we have 

for life forever with you. 

In Jesus’ dying and risen name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 90.

Hi friends, today in my regular weekly gospel meditation, I’m beginning a new monthly column on issues of aging, dying, and death. If you’d like to find out why Christians can talk about what o one wants to talk about, please check it out. 

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