A Prayer about Overflowing Blessings

[Friends, this is the third and last in a series of praying through Psalm 23. Do you enjoy this way of praying through the Bible?]

Heavenly Father,

You prepare a feast for us 

in the presence of our enemies.

You tend to us by anointing our head with oil (Psalm 23:5).

[Name ways the Lord has tended to you 

and fed you richly when you have been in trial or turmoil].

Our cups overflow with blessings. 

Surely your goodness and unfailing love 

will pursue us all the days of our lives (Psalm 23:5-6). 

[Name ways you have seen God’s blessings, 

goodness, and unfailing love every single day this week].

We will live in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6).

[Describe the security and hope of knowing 

that you are living in the Lord’s house forever, 

and no one can make you leave].

In the name of Jesus, our richest blessing,


Read Psalm 23.

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