A Prayer about Praying the Goodness of God

Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3

Lord, you are God, 

the all-powerful, faithfully loving, 

Creator of the Cosmos. 

You made us to be your “treasured possession,” 

and honestly, that blows our minds. 

Help us to see ourselves as you do—

as your beloved people, 

wayward sheep though we are, 

brought back to you by our great Shepherd.

[Name some characteristics of God that wow you and some reasons you are glad to belong to God.]

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, 

and his courts with praise! 

Give thanks to him; bless his name!”

Lord, we thank you and praise you for…

redeeming us from the pit, 

freeing us from sin that we thought would entangle us forever, 

for the places you have sent us to serve you — 

home, work, classroom, neighborhood, gym, soccer fields 

[Name some things you are thankful for and some places he has sent you to serve].

“For the Lord is good; 

his steadfast love endures forever, 

and his faithfulness to all generations.”

Lord, as we conclude this prayer, 

may we simply sit silently 

and ponder your goodness to us, 

your unwavering love for us, 

your faithfulness that has stretched through the generations.

[Try putting down your device and sitting in silence and remembering God’s goodness to you].

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 100.

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