A Prayer about the Beauty God Created

Majestic Creator,

Open our eyes to the beauty of your earth—

may we see the green herons with their long plum necks, 

the silly sandpipers with their spiky beaks, 

the slimy armadillo with their creepy claws 

and know that “All your works are good!”

Even as we notice the earthly beauty you’ve created, 

may we be deeply humbled 

that you created us in your image 

and crowned us with glory and honor. 

Even though we have sinned against you, 

you care for us, you are mindful of us, 

you are more than mindful of us—

you have sent your Son to save us 

and to restore us to your loving embrace. 

How majestic indeed is your name in all the earth!

In Jesus’ glorious name. Amen.

Read Psalm 8. 

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