A Prayer about the Goodness of the Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 118:1

Good and Loving Lord,

Slow us down as we read Scripture, that we may see your glorious riches all over again.

Why do we give you thanks?

Because you are good

Pause us for a few moments to help us see 

what it means that you are good and that you are steadfastly loving. 

There are many things in this world we name “good,”—

that was a “good book,” 

a “good movie,” 

a “good game.” 

But these things are not like your goodness. 

Nothing compares to your goodness. 

You are holy, just, perfect, 

lovely, gracious, kind, 

wise, powerful, 

the measure of any and all goodness.

Not only that, but your “steadfast love endures forever.”

Your love is safe, secure, and everlasting.

It is there when we hurt a dear friend with sarcastic words,

It is there when we get canceled or condemned for our beliefs,

It is there when we fear a hurricane bearing down on us,

It is there when we wonder if our back will ever be free of pain,

It is there when we worry about rising prices and shrinking income…

In all things, may we remember…

You are good, 

and your love is certain and sure.

In Jesus’ good name. Amen.

Read Psalm 118.

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