
A Prayer about the Occupied Throne

by | Jun 10, 2022 | Daily Prayer, kingdom living | 0 comments

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Revelation 5:13

Lord Our Heavenly King,

We confess,

we’ve never seen a throne in real life,

and sometimes it’s hard to understand

what it means that you’re sitting

on the throne of heaven,

right this very minute.

Show us, we pray,

that we might see you as our glorious King

even as we wait for the day

we will gather before your throne in person.

Because you are on the throne,

we can wait for that day confidently,

knowing that the day of judgment is coming

for evil rulers who seem to be winning over the world

with their corrupt power.

Because you are on the throne,

we can wait peacefully,

knowing that our King is seated on the throne,

not pacing the floor wringing his hands in worry

about the wretched state of the cosmos.

Because you are on the throne, we can wait gratefully,

seeing the King who suffered for us to make us his people.

Because you are on the throne, we can wait worshipfully,

bowing with all the saints of heaven

before your occupied throne,

singing the praise of our benevolent King.

In Jesus’ just and merciful name we pray.


Read Revelation 4-5.

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