A Prayer about Understanding God’s Timing

All-Wise God, 

This is probably the most famous passage in Ecclesiastes 

to readers and non-readers of the Bible.

Enlighten us with your insight 

about this passage and about your timing. 

The Teacher who wrote these words 

seems to be frustrated by your timing: 

What do people really get for all their hard work? 

I have seen the burden God has placed on us all” (Ecclesiastes 3:9-10). 

He sees that “”All go to one place. 

All are from dust, and to dust all return” (Ecclesiastes 3:20). 

Indeed, if this is all there is to life, 

then how “utterly meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 1:2). 

Thankfully, because of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, 

we who trust in him are living already 

in the eternity you have placed in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). 

Thankfully, because of our resurrection hope, 

we know that you are working in all times of our life, 

and that one day “soon,” 

we will dwell with you forever 

in a life multiplied by the meaning 

you wrote into your creation. 

Help us today to see your timing in all things. 

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-22. 

Want to read more about thanking God while we live in the “already” and “not yet”? I’ve begun two new newsletters on Substack, one on living in hope in the already and not yet, and the other on aging, caregiving, and the end of life. Please check them both out!

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